Thursday, April 30, 2020


O. T. #1681  "Silence"
April 30, 2020
Isaiah 53-Part 6
He was taken from prison and judgment: and who shall declare His generation? For He was cut off our of the land of the living: for the transgression of My people was He stricken.


In the prophecies of Isaiah the Servant of the Lord represents both all Israel, as well as an individual Messiah who ministers to Israel and who atones for the sins of the Gentiles. (Falwell)

Don't we too often open our mouth when we should keep it shut? Do we have the tendency to defend our actions or words when we should let it go? We learned that Jesus open not His mouth before His accusers. Continue reading to find what else He endured and suffered.

Isaiah described with accuracy and precision the events which would relate to the crucifixion, death, and burial of Jesus Christ in our key verse:
  • He was taken from prison. Restrained as a prisoner, Jesus did not resist the solders in the Garden. He knew it was time for Calvary. Matthew 26 gives us details of these events.
  • He was taken from judgment, justice. The trials of Christ were held in the middle of the night by the Sanhedrin. He was led up a steep hill to the house of Caiaphas, the high priest. We visited that place while in Israel.  Then Jesus was led in the early morning to Pilate, the Roman official.
  • He was cut off out of the land of the living. Christ willingly laid down His life. He did not resist all that happened to Him, for He knew that He was in the will of God.
  • He was stricken (a blow, stripe, stroke, wound, violently killed) for the transgression of God's people, the nation of Israel and believing Gentiles.
Did you notice that I left out the question, Who shall declare His generation?
Jesus rose to die no more; death had no more dominion over Him. He that was dead is alive, and lives for evermore; He is advanced to this eternal life. We shall not fall under the curse of the law if we submit to the grace of the gospel.  (Matthew Henry)

Christian, are we will to share this grace of the gospel which we have experienced?
This amazing grace should be shared. Can we ever get over what Jesus did for us personally-provided salvation for us?

Did you recall that this verse was read to an Ethiopian eunuch, which is found in Acts 8:31-35?
Phillip used this passage to tell the good news about Jesus. As a result, the man got saved and was baptized. I think he went back home and shared what happened to him. Phillip was faithful to share the redemption story.


And He made His grave with the wicked, and with the rich in His death: because He had done no violence, neither was any deceit in His mouth. (verse 9)

What do we learn from this verse about Jesus Christ?
  • He made His grave with the wicked refers to Jesus being hung between two thieves, criminal,  on the cross;
  • and with the rich in His death. They were not rich criminals, but Jesus was buried in a rich man's tomb, which was borrowed. It was owned by Joseph of Arimathea (Matt. 27:57).
  • This happened because Jesus did no violence. The gospels tell of the good deeds and miracles Jesus did. (Books could not contain all of them.)
  • No deceit (in the sense of deceiving; false; guile; treachery) was in His mouth. Jesus proclaimed that He was the Truth John 143:6). When the high priest told Jesus to tell them if He was the Christ, the Son of God, Jesus answered, Thou hast said. (Matthew 26:63-64).
Who do you say that Jesus Christ is? Is He the Son of God, the Suffering Servant Savior, the Risen Lord to you?


Jesus, I believe that You are the Christ, the Son of God.
To me, You are my Savior, Messiah, Redeemer.
Thank You for enduring the cross in order to take my punishment for my sins.
You are the only way to God and to heaven.
Help me keep my mouth silent when my accusers are accusing me, but to speak when the gospel is needing shared.
Jesus, Your love never fails, it never gives up, it never runs out on me. Your love is never ending.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Wandering Sheep

O. T. #1680 "Wandering Sheep"
April 29, 2020
Isaiah 53-Part 5
All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way: and the LORD hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all. (verse 6)


For the first time the reader learns that the Servant suffered on behalf of others. Even so, people did not recognize it, and He was rejected as One struck down by God for His own supposed sins. (Holman Illustrated Bible Commentary)

Some people may not aware of how sheep are. They are prone to wander off with little or no sense of direction and cannot find their own way home. Thus, they need a shepherd to keep them with the flock. Also, that way they do not wander into danger, such as wild animals who want to devour them for lunch. What an appropriate illustration. Lost and sinful humanity cannot come to the Savior without divine assistance.

Christ is the Good Shepherd (Matthew 9:36), who leaves the 99 sheep and seeks the one who went astray. Sometimes we are bent to backsliding away from our God. We tend to turn aside to our own way, doing our own will. We stubbornly and willfully turn toward our corrupt appetites and passions. We want to be our own master, to do our own will and have what we want, instead of doing God's will. Eventually grace and mercy find their way to us. And we repent and turn around, walking toward God.

Isaiah speaks of Israel straying from God and compares them to wandering sheep. Yet God would send the Messiah to bring them back into the fold. Lest we point fingers at Israel, the word all includes all of us. You are I are wandering sheep who have the tendency to go our own way. We see the desperate condition of mankind. Because of our spiritual blindness and our lack of a shepherd for our souls, we sinners have the tendency to go astray, turn astray.

Are we straying from the fold of God? Jesus loves His sheep. He will take care of us.


Throughout His earthly ministry Jesus was verbally assaulted, particularly by the Pharisees. He was rejected and ignored. When that didn't stop Him, they plotted against Him. Even while Jesus was on trial, the same men who found "no fault in Him" had Him scourged and crucified. Yet, at every turn, Jesus, resisted the temptation to retaliate, to hold a grudge, to be defensive or resentful or bitter, to lash out in anger or revenge. (Five Meaningful Minutes a Day, by Charles Swindoll)

The LORD laid on Jesus the iniquity of us all. It means to punish by violence, or to strike violently.
The wrath of God should violently strike us, but the fact is, it has struck our Lord Jesus instead. We deserve the entire penalty and punishment for our sins, however, we have been set free by God's grace when we become a Christian. Do we realize that the spiritual agony of bearing our sins was greater than the physical torture Christ endured. Because Jesus willingly was oppressed, He did away from oppression (9:4)

He was oppressed, and He was afflicted, ye He opened not His mouth: He is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so He openeth not His mouth. (verse 7)

Jesus voluntarily was afflicted, beaten. Also, He did not say a word in His defense; He was silent. The Lamb of God laid down His life for sinners.

When John saw Jesus coming, twice he said, Behold the Lamb of God!
It is found in John 1:29 and 36. He added,  which taketh away the sin of the world, the first time.

Is Jesus your Lamb which takes away your sins? He sacrificed Himself to take our punishment for our sins.

I am your sheep, Jesus; Your are my Good Shepherd.
Keep me in Your will, on Your path for my life.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Healing is Available

O. T. #1679  "Healing is Available"
April 28, 2020
Isaiah 53-Part 4
But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed. (verse 5)


Previously we learned that Jesus went through emotional pains, and today we will discuss His physical pains. The suffering Servant Savior endured it all for you and me. He who was guiltless and sinless bore the guilt and punishment due us for our sins. Jesus Christ was our substitute. Probably we all know this and recognize it. He loves us so much that He willingly endured it all for us. Why would Jesus go through the beatings and pain of hanging on a cross?

1 Peter 2:24 explains: Who His own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.

Paul said in 2 Corinthians 5:21: For He hath made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.

Before we break down the 4 phrases in our key verse, shall we look at the meanings of the words?
  • wounded (to bore; pierced through)
  • transgressions (sins; rebellion; a revolt (national, moral, or religious)
  • bruised (to be crushed; beat to pieces; humble)
  • iniquities (more evil or fault; sin)
  • chastisement (correction or discipline; reproof, warning, or instruction)
  • peace (rest; happy; well; safety)
  • stripes (bruises or wounds; bound with stripes)
  • healed (to mend; to cure; repair; made whole)
Putting this verse into our day's wording, we note the price that Christ paid for us. How did Jesus physically suffer?
He was pierced by nails, used to hang Him on the cross, then a sword was run through His side to make sure Jesus was dead; that is how He was wounded. The weight of our sins and those of the world crushed Him. He was punished as though He had broken the law, in this case with stripes from the scourging.


How did Jesus Christ suffer spiritually on the cross?
He bore our transgressions, our rebellious and deliberate breaking of God's Law; our iniquities, the crookedness of our nature; and our griefs and sorrows, our calamities and unhappy results of our sins. We are sinner by birth and by choice. Christ died for our sins- the very heart of the Gospel. (Wiersbe)

Besides the emotional, physical, and spiritual sufferings, Jesus experienced separation from His Father before He died. (Mark 15:34) It was for our benefit that Jesus suffered all of that.

I like the double parallel emphasis which Liberty Bible Commentary make in reference to this verse:

His Action                                                                                Our Need
wounded                                                                                    transgressions
bruised                                                                                       iniquities
chastisement                                                                               peace
stripes                                                                                         healed

It is the atonement of Christ that heals us spiritually. By His stripes we are forgiven. He is the only Way.
Do we ever have so much to be thankful for and a reason to praise our Suffering Savior!
Listen, we are all sinners in need of a Savior. Only Jesus can heal our sin sick soul.

Friend, if you do not know Jesus as your Savior, you can right now. Ask Him to forgive your sins, believe that He is the only Savior, and ask Jesus to be your personal Savior. He will, dear one.


Thank You Jesus for Your endurance and love!
By Your wounds we are healed.

Monday, April 27, 2020


O. T. #1678 "Rejection"
April 27, 2020
Isaiah 53-Part 3
He was despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from Him; He was despised, and we esteemed Him not. (verse 3)


Have you ever felt rejected?
Rejection-That is one of  the hardest things for me to endure. When people look the other way as you walk by them or they turn and walk in another direction just avoid you. That is what I am talking about. It is so cold-rejection. It is difficult to continue on walking by faith when others refuse to show you love or forgiveness. Life is hard enough, but when you have to continually endure such treatment, well, enough is enough. We can choose to either resolve the problem they have with you or remove yourself from them. Sometimes you can try to resolve it but they are unwilling. When that is the case, I shake the dust off my feet and walk on in another direction. Life is too short to not surround oneself with loving and caring people. Amen? With that said, take a look at our key verse for today.

Jesus was not a well-built, good-looking man. He was common and ordinary. He did so many good things, so many miracles, and showed so much compassion to the hurting. Not only did Jesus not impress the crowd, but He was also rejected by the world. He didn't just know about suffering; He experienced it first-hand. He was like someone people turned away from. This shows us a deep level of rejection Jesus faced.
We like to think that we don't reject Jesus, but the reality is that we often reject Him every day. When we disobey His commands or instructions, we are rejecting Jesus. When people turn away from Him because He doesn't fit their idea of a savior, that is rejection. The world wants a savior who doesn't require anything from us. However, that is not who Jesus is-and He still suffers rejection because of it.

What does this verse say that Jesus experienced?
  • He was despised (scorned);
  • rejected (ceasing or destitute; abandoned)  of men;
  • a man of sorrow (pain, anguish, affliction);
  • acquainted with grief (afflicted, be wounded).
  • People turned their back (faces) on Him and looked the other way.
  • He was despised (rejected),
  • and not esteemed (valued).
Folks, these are emotional sufferings which Jesus endured. It wasn't just for one day, but throughout His ministry.
And aren't we guilty at some time or another of treating Him the same way?
Yet Jesus stills loves us.


Surely He hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem Him stricken smitten of God, and afflicted. (verse 4)

Not only did Jesus bear His own griefs and sorrows, but also but ours also as He endured the cross.

To bear means to take away. But more than that, it connote the idea of lifting up or carrying. (Falwell)

This passage emphasizes the fact that Christ, who is Himself sinless, is the sin-bearer who varies our weight of sin and, therefore, bears the punishment which that sin deserves.

Isaiah predicts that mankind, especially the Jews, would falsely assume that the Messiah would be plagued and struck and afflicted by God for the punishment of His sins.

There is good news. We are not alone in the world. Jesus knows what it feels like to be rejected, despised, in sorrow and grief because we are wounded by others. Yet, He forgave those and us.
should we not do the same?
In the overall scope of life, Jesus endured so much more than we can ever experience. Right?

Jesus, Your forgiveness is like sweet honey in our soul.
We need You every hour.
Keep our hear open to Your Spirit's directions so we do not turn away from You.
We love You Jesus!

Friday, April 24, 2020

A Tender Plant

O. T. #1675  "A Tender Plant"
April 24, 2020
Isaiah 53-Part 2
For He shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: He hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see Him, there is no beauty that we should desire Him.  (verse 2)


A couple of years ago, the electric company came down our country road and chopped down trees that were located under the electric lines. (This was done to prevent any lines breaking under the weight of ice.) Well, this included a peach tree across from our yard. I don't mind telling you that I was upset. However, a small tree has grown back. I didn't pay any attention to it when it was a sprout. This spring that tree had the most beautiful pink blossoms on it. Then I saw it had returned. I hope those men do not return and do the same thing. I doubt they will, since a peach tree does not grow as tall as an oak tree.

As we have already mentioned, this chapter is speaking of the Servant Messiah, Jesus Christ. He was unrecognized by the world, but His Father kept close watch of His Son. Since Jesus was born in the little town of Bethlehem and grew up in a despised town of Nazareth in a lowly carpenter's family. Such humble beginnings. He didn't wear any spectacular emblems of royalty, revealing His identity to the discerning eye of faith. Jesus looked like an ordinary, common man, yet He was divine.

How was the Savior described by Isaiah?
  • a tender plant (a sucker; hence a twig (of a tree felled and sprouting);
  • a root (bottom; deep; heel) out of a dry ground;
  • no form (figure or appearance; favored; beautiful)  nor comeliness (magnificence, ornament or splendor beauty, glory, honor, majesty;
  • when we see Him, there is no beauty that we should desire Him.
Isaiah 11:1 NLT says, Out of the stump of David's family will grow a shoot-yes, a new Branch bearing fruit from the old root.

I tend to think Jesus grew up as a normal boy, yet He knew in the Temple that He must be about His Father's business.  (The mother of Jesus knew He was the Son of God, even before His birth. I think she observed His life as a sinless boy, too.) At age 12, the Jewish boy goes through a special and unique ceremony recognizing him as a man. (We got to observe a couple of them while in Jerusalem.)

Jesus was not a great tree, but a shoot and a tender plant, and just a sprout, yet sprang up out of the kingly line of Israel at a time when it was least expected. As we have read about the sins of David and Solomon, as well as those kings not dedicated to God, we might think their line should have been cut down forever. Although the potential of producing a messianic king is thought to be dried up, it didn't. Even though God had not spoken for 400 years to His people, He still had a plan. God keeps His promises and covenants. He does not forsake His beloved people.


In their devotional book, Experiencing God Day-By-Day, Henry and Richard Blackaby say it this way:

The coming of Jesus was like a tender plant in the midst of a parched ground. Parched ground offers little hope for survival; it is dry and too hardened to allow most plants to penetrate its crust. Ye Jesus was prophesied as a tender plant that would break through the hostile soil and overcome the dry and lifeless environment in order to bring life. So hostile had they become to the truth that when God's Son came to the, they killed Him. Nevertheless, despite the enmity of the people, Jesus brought life to all who believed in Him. 
This same Jesus has the ability to bring life to anyone, society, or culture. No matter how hard they have become to the gospel, He can still do it. He can change a bitter heart of a calloused sinner and give them new life. Like a tiny mustard seed, faith can grow strong. Let's keep praying for those we know need Jesus as their Savior.

What will you do with a man called Jesus?


Use me to love people to Jesus.
Change cold and unresponsive hearts, which only You can do, Jesus.
Create spiritual needs in us.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Have You Heard?

O. T. #1674  "Have You Heard?"
April 23, 2020
Isaiah 53
Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed? (verse 1)


Have you heard yet? Have you heard that on such and such date we are released from our home quarantine? Do you believe it? That is what we are all waiting for, I am sure. Our governor says May 4, but others are concerned that if we release into society too soon that a second round of the coronavirus will show up. That is not what today's verse refers to, friend.

I grew up attending a Baptist church and Sunday School. I heard about a Savior who came for me and loves me. Yet, it took the death of a classmate and friend in order for me to take the report seriously. I saw that death can come at any age, for he was 16. I knew that I could die any time and was not ready to meet God. I believed that there was a God who created things on earth, hearing about it at church and growing up on a farm, but I didn't know Him personally. Using desperate words and not a specific prayer, Jesus came into my heart because I believed in Him and desired Him to be my Savior. How about you, friend, do you know Jesus as your Savior?

This is the last and most memorable of the four Messiah/Servant Songs (42:1-9; 49:1-13; 49:1-13; 50:4-11) God is the author of this chapter and Jesus fulfilled this messianic prophecy. We know that only a few recognized the Servant when He appeared. Israel didn't welcome Christ at His first coming, nor did they recognize the mighty, incarnate power of God in the person of Jesus, their deliverer. (John MacArthur)

Since this whole chapter is a prophecy about Jesus, the Messiah, we will be taking each verse and looking deeply into it.

The first question in our key verse is actually an explanation. It calls attention to the lack of faith in the world in general. Only a remnant of Israel would come to faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Messiah; few would believe and recognized Him, much less regard Jesus as a person of importance or the Son of God. Keep inn mind, 400 years passed after the end of the Old Testament, and 750 years passed by after Isaiah's prophecies. However, God preserved this book of prophecies for us. It is a confirmation that Jesus is who He said He was, as well as who the New Testament said He was.
Because other prophets declared Christ would suffer for the sins of people and would be glorified, the people down through the ages have no excuse in not believing.

The word report, in the Hebrew language, means something heard; an announcement; news; famed; mentioned; doctrine.

The Apostles and Paul carried this report into the world, but few professed to believe this report-Jesus Christ is the expected Messiah, who died on the cross to forgive sin, then arose from the dead to provide eternal life in heaven.

MacRae translates the question like this, "Who would have believed what we have heard?"

Bring it down to our present world. Only a few has and will believe in Jesus as their Savior, in comparison to the population. How sad it is. But then, when you think about it, in order for a person to be saved from the punishment of their sins, they must believe in Someone who is talked about in a Book, Who is not visible. Also, they must admit their good works cannot get them to heaven. What they must do is admit they are a sinner and can never meet the standards required for the forgiveness of sin. Considering those things, I guess it is understandable that only a small amount of people will be saved. That is why it is so very important that we share the good news with our family, the next generation, and those in our little world.

Matthew Henry said it this way, "What a pity is it that such rich grace should be received in vain, that precious souls should perish at the pool's side, because they will not step in and be healed!"


The second question is, "To whom is the arm of the LORD revealed?"

The praise, "the arm of the LORD" is the emblem of divine power which has already been referred to in 51:9 and 52:10. It is used for the Lord's strength in Jeremiah 17:5. To have believed the report of the prophets and have been the recipient of the revelation of the arm of God is to have surrendered one's self by faith to the person and authority of the Lord God.  (Liberty Bible Commentary)

God rolled up His sleeve in order to deliver Israel from slavery of other nations. His work was powerful, merciful, and gracious.

John quotes this verse 1 in John 12:38. He speaks of the people's doom being sealed because (Isa.6:9) their eyes were blinded and their heart was hardened.

Wiersbe said, "The unbelief of Israel is now announced: they saw Him, heard Him, but would not trust Him (Jesus Christ). There was a three-fold rejection:
  1. They rejected His words, report.
  2. They rejected His works, the arm of the Lord.
  3. They rejected His person (verse 2)."
Jesus was not born in a palace, but in a Bethlehem stable. He grew up in a despised town of Nazareth.
He did not come to be a king in order to overthrow the Roman government. He grew up in the home of a carpenter, not in a royal family. Yet it because of the humble up bringing that Jesus had compassion of the simple folks, the suffering, and can relate to us today in our sorrows and sufferings. What a Savior!

Pray for those around us who have not heard the good news and those who have rejected Jesus.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

What Are You Watching?

O. T. #1673  "What Are You Watching?"
April 22, 2020
Isaiah 52-Part 2
Thy God reigneth! (verse 7e)


Did you notice that our key verse today is the last part of  verse 7? Paul omitted it when he quoted this verse in Romans10:15. Well, we can't skip over it.

Instead of announcing a message of impending judgment or doom, the watchmen shall lift up their voices and sing praises unto the King of Zion who has delivered His people. (Falwell)

This will take place whenever Christ returns to personally reign as King over His kingdom  during the millennium, a thousand year reign. We found more concerning this in 24:23.

Psalm 93:1 says, The LORD reigneth, He is clothed with majesty; the LORD is clothed with strength, wherewith He hath girded Himself: the world also is stablished, that it cannot be moved.

Can we trust God that He knows what He is doing?  Is God reigning as King of our life? When a king reigns over people, they obey and follow his directions and commands. His word goes. Although our President is not a king nor dictator, he has our nation's best interest in mind when he makes decrees. so it is with our King Jesus. He knows what is best for us. the thing is, are we following His commands? He knows the future and we do not, so we walk by faith and not by sight.


What are you watching? Are we spending countless hours in front of the tv or computer on unimportant entertainment feeding our flesh? Or are you watching preachers of the Word who give us instructions and encouragement from the Bible? When we are not home, we are singing for the Lord during a Facebook Live at my brother in law's church. Previously, we would watch certain local preachers on television during our worship time. We must continue to feed our spirit.

Watchmen means to peer into the distance; to observe; to wait; (keep the ) watch.

What does is this section of scripture (verses 8-15) telling us the watchmen are doing?
  • The watchmen shout and sing with joy, for before their very eyes they see the LORD returning to Jerusalem. (NLT verse 8) Are we living joyfully and expecting Jesus to come to us, as watchmen?
  • Let the ruins of Jerusalem break into joyful song, for the LORD has comforted His people. (verse 9) Have we experienced the Lord's comfort recently? Has He protected your family from the coronavirus? Then we should break into a joyful song to Him.
  • The LORD has demonstrated His holy power before the eyes of all the nations. All the ends of the earth will see the victory of our God. (verse 10) Only god can defeat this deadly virus. Although some people will not give God credit, we know that He alone is more powerful that it is. Are we giving Him credit?
  • Purify yourselves. (verse 11)
  • The LORD will go ahead of you; yes, the God of Israel will protect you from behind. (verse 12) Are we trusting Him in our individual lives? I know that I am when I go to the grocery store and our tire shop. People in our area have been coming for new tires throughout this pandemic.

Are we being a watchman, looking for our King Jesus to return?

Jesus, reign in my life as King.
Help me be faithful in obeying Your commands and Spirit.
May I always be faithfully watching for You in my life and join You in kingdom work, Jesus.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Beautiful Feet

O. T. #1672  "Beautiful Feet"
April 21, 2020
Isaiah 52
How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things! (Romans 10:15)


Do you have beautiful feet? Usually, we don't think of our feet being beautiful, but with their flaws. My feet fit into a size 5 shoe. So I consider my toes as tiny and not very pretty. Oh, I know women like to paint their toenails to match their fingernails, which I do sometimes during the summer, but not very often. Mostly because of a need for feet comfort, since I don't wear sandals very often, but need supportive shoes. However, the Bible tells us that our feet are beautiful. Read on to find out what makes them beautiful.

I have a sign on my desk that reads, How beautiful are the feet that brings good news. It is in a pink frame, because for years I decorated my office in pink. The color scheme is now gray. Suppose I need to change the frame color, too. Well, I'm not sure where I found this, but the title is "Support Beautiful Feet." Then a picture of a pair of pink flip flops are below it. Probably it is from a mission magazine.
Anyway, the sign reminds me to support preachers and missionaries. Not only financially, but prayerfully and with encouraging words. What a joy it is do just that.

do you know what the word feet means in the Hebrew language? It refers to a foot (as used in walking); a step; be able to endure; journey; possession; time follow.

With so many meanings that can be applied to this word, our beautiful feet can also refer to our journey as we spread the gospel of peace, or our possessions as we bring glad tidings of good things. We may be sharing salvation through Jesus, or God's principles for our life found in His Word. Also, it could include the teaching of doctrine or God's faithfulness. How abut the sharing of our testimony of the goodness God has bestowed upon us. Giving love and forgiveness can be included. We can think of many things which pertain to where and how our feet take us to accomplish His will.

Our key verse today comes from the New Testament, which quotes Isaiah 52:7. However, Paul left out the word "mountain" and the phrase "publishes salvation."

In verse 7, what  are the feet of this person bringing or publishing, that makes them beautiful feet?
  • They bring good tidings, which means to preach or carry good news.
  • The message is that of peace (shalom)
  •  and salvation (yeshu'ah), which is the basis of the name Joshua or Jesus.
When Israel (Judah) was to return to Jerusalem after 70 years of captivity in Babylon, messengers would traverse the mountains around the city to spread the good news of the return of redeemed Israel to the land (40:9 and 61:1). Paul broadened this millennial reference to the preaching of the gospel in the kingdom to include spreading the gospel of God's grace from the time of Jesus Christ on. (MacArthur)

Christ will reign personally over His kingdom during this time.
Are you and I bringing good news of peace and salvation found in Jesus Christ? If so, then our feet are beautiful.


The Jews became the servants of their foreign conquerors, who paid nothing for Israel, so the Lord will redeem Israel gratuitously from sin. (verse 1)
Like a servant girl, Jerusalem would be trodden under the gentile nations. But God would forgive them of their sins of idolatry. What would He give the Jews?
  • strength to put on
  • and beautiful garments (robes);
  • they were told to shake off the dust of her captivity;
  • loosen the bands around their neck;
  • she will be redeemed without money.
As explained previously, a redeemer in the O.T. was a kinsman who was a free man.  He was willing to pay the price to redeem one from slavery, orphanhood, or widowhood. We read of this happening in the book of Ruth. There, Boaz was the  picture of our Kinsman-Redeemer, Jesus Christ, who paid our debt for our sins.
Is Jesus your Redeemer, too, dear one? (I know that I often ask that, but we do have visitors around the world who come to here, so I sure want to share the gospel with them.)

Lead my feet where you want them to go today, sharing the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ.
Make my feet beautiful for You.
Thank You, Jesus, for redeeming my soul, making me Your child.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Fury and Faith

O. T. #1671  "Fury and Faith"
April 20, 2020
Isaiah 51-Part 2
Therefore the redeemed of the LORD shall return, and come with singing unto Zion; and everlasting joy shall be upon their head: they shall obtain gladness and joy; and sorrow and mourning shall flee away. (verse 11)


Do you feel like you are in deep water over your head? You won't drown. Take heed-what happened to the Israelites when they were crossing the Red Sea and the Jordan River? The water was over them at the sides. Didn't they make it? Of course they did. Their God was in charge. Nothing can delay nor stop His will. We read that in 46:11. So be encouraged, the One who controls and calms the winds and the waves can do so for us today.

In verse 10, God reminds the Israelites of what happened back in Egypt to their ancestors. God is faithful. Does it sound like God was gong to be waiting for His children to return from Babylon to Jerusalem? Maybe He was, although the Temple was destroyed.

How were those remnants of believers in God going to act on their return to Jerusalem?
  • They will be singing. We tend to sing when we are happy. Although the journey was difficult, long, and hot through the desert, the people were excited to be free from slavery once again.
  • They were going to have not just joy, but everlasting joy (to rejoice with all one's heart and soul).  
  • They shall obtain gladness and joy.
  • Sorrow and mourning shall disappear.
There would be three different groups of Israelites that returned. They were led by Zerubbabel (Ezra 1-6), Ezra (Ezra 7-10), and Nehemiah (Neh. 1-13). Nehemiah returned again 15 years later. The span of time was about 100 years from the first group returning to Nehemiah's second return.

The idea of everlasting joy is that God's people shall be so blessed by His action on their behalf that joy shall characterize their very being, and as a result mourning shall flee away. (Falwell)

So, there is no reason for God's people to be afraid of human beings or viruses.

I, even I, am He that comforteth you... (verse 12a)


Now, on the other hand, what word appears 5 times in verse 13-22? It is the word fury, which means anger, hot displeasure, furious.

What are those 5 references of fury?
  1. Israel and Judah forgot the Lord their Creator. Will they fear the angry oppressors and enemies and not God?
  2. After their freedom, the fury will be nowhere around them.  (verse 13)
  3. god calls Jerusalem to awake from her spiritual drunkenness. She has fallen away from the Lord, she has become drunk on the cup of His fury. Her sin has brought about this, which resulted in the judgment of God upon her. (verse 17) (Falwell)
  4. God announces that He is the one who poured out His anger upon them. (verse 20)
  5. That is what the Sovereign LORD, your God and Defender, says: "See, I have taken the terrible cup from your hands. You will drink no more of My fury." (verse 22, NLT)
What was the last thing God said in verse 22? You will drink no more of My fury.
KJV says it this way, Thou shalt no more drink it again.

Instead of Israel, God's fury will be poured out on the devil in those last days.
Israel had endured devastation and destruction, famine and sword, His judgment had ended. God would turn the tables and bring His fury upon their tormentors. (Tony Evans)

Are you still praying for God to forgive the sins of our nation and remove this deadly virus?
Others are praying, too. We can see it on Facebook.
In His time, God will answer. In the meantime, let's continue in His comfort and faith. When we get the freedom to leave our homes, we will go out with singing and joy. But, shouldn't we be singing and joyful now, since God will rescue us, like He did Israel?

Thank You Father, that we can trust Your timing for setting us free.
Give us a heart full of joy.
Nothing can steal our joy when You are there.
Fill our hearts overflowing with joy.
We have a sweet salvation that is beautiful.
There ain't nothin' goin' a steal my joy.
Love that song.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Deliverance and Victory is Ahead

O. T. #1670  "Deliverance and Victory is Ahead"
April 17, 2020
Isaiah 51


Will you read through this chapter and look for the tiny word my, which appears 10 times?
According to Webster's Dictionary, the word  My relates to Me or Myself  as possessor.
God is proclaiming Himself as possessing/owning:
  • people (verses 4, 16)
  • nation (verse 4)
  • righteousness (verse 5, 6, 8)
  • salvation (verses 5,6,8)
  • fury (verse 22).
In the Hebrew language, the word people refers to a tribe (as those of Israel); a flock.
The Jewish were God's special people, chosen by Him. Now He has included the Gentiles (you and me) in His family. Paul wrote in his letter to Titus 2:14, in speaking about our Savior Jesus Christ, Who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto Himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.

The word nation means expectancy; hope; thing that I long for.
God longed for His people, Judah and Israel, to turn back to worshiping only Him. However, they would not, so He had to discipline them.

Righteousness means right (morally or legally); just.

Paul wrote to the Phillippian church (3:9), An be found in Him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith.

Our righteousness is filthy rags, but it is Christ's blood shed on the cross that makes us just/right with God. This comes by faith in the Savior, nothing that we have done.

The word salvation has two different meanings in this chapter. In verse 5, salvation means liberty, deliverance; in verses 6 and 8, salvation means victory, deliverance, something saved.


There are some deep, important promises that God makes us concerning those words above:
  1. His judgment shall be a light to the nations. We have an advantage in that we know how God's disciplining Judah turned out. After 70 years of captivity in Babylon, the Persians released Israel to go back to their Promised Land and rebuild everything. God's faithfulness and love can be seen here.
  2. God's righteousness is near will not be abolished, but lasts forever. He does the just thing that is right. All things work together for our good and His glory.
  3. God's salvation has gone forth and is forever, through Jesus. He gives deliverance to His children. His salvation continues from generation to generation of believers.
  4. We are God's people, Jews and Gentiles.
Is our faith a light to those around us or are we worried like the world is during this pandemic?
Are we encouraging others that God is working good out for us?
Are we living under the circumstances or above them with Christ?
Deliverance and victory is coming for us. Are we living like we believe that?

God, you have done great things.
We are trusting You to do great things again, for Your children.
Jesus, we thank You ahead of time and lift Your name on high.
No one loves us like You Jesus. How faithful You are.
Keep us faithful to You, God.
We know You have a plan of deliverance for us.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Need Some Comfort?

O. T. #1669  "Need Some Comfort?"
April 16, 2020
Isaiah 51
For the LORD shall comfort Zion: He will comfort all her waste places; and He will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the LORD; joy and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving, and the voice of melody. (verse 3)


What brings us comfort? Are things feeling like they are out of control? Is your routine interrupted and not running smoothly? Don't we tend to get comfortable in our scheduled and normal routines? There is comfort available for us. Continue to find out where it can be found.

Read our key verse above. How many times does God use the word comfort? Twice here and once in verse 19.
Comfort means to console; to sigh (breathe strongly); to pity.

Sounds like God is going to console and pity Jerusalem and Israel after their 70 years of captivity.
How will they experience His comfort/pity?
  • He is going to have pity on their ruins, the places of waste.
  • Her desert will blossom like Eden; her barren wilderness will be like the garden of the LORD.
  • Joy and gladness will be found there.
  • Songs of thanksgiving will fill the air.
Woohoo! Shall we look to the future. It may be only a couple of weeks or a couple of months and then we will be safe to return to our regular routines. What joy and gladness there will be. (Pray that God will reveal that time to our President and Governors.)
Don't give up friend. God is preparing us to rejoice.

Instead of bemoaning the loss of your comfort, accept the challenge of something new. Say yes to the ways Jesus works in our life. Trust Him, and don't be afraid. (Sarah Young)

Until that day when we are free to go wherever, may our trust in Jesus make us joyful. We have a hope of eternal life. Be sure to share it with others.


Listen to what God says in verse 1. The message is for those who follow after righteousness, those who seek the LORD, and those who look unto the Rock. We are to consider the rock from which we were cut, the quarry from which we were mined.

The prophet assured the nation of deliverance by pointing to God's past covenant with Abraham (Gen. 12:1-3), who was the rock in the quarry from which they were hewn as a people. Originally, Abraham was only one person, but God multiplied his descendants as He had promised (Gen. 13:16).
The MacArthur Bible Commentary)

Abraham was Israel's father and Sarah was the one who gave birth to their nation. Spiritually speaking, they are our ancestors, too. Abraham is our father of faith. Sarah is our quarry from which we are dug. Isn't it amazing to think how many descendants of faith does Abraham and Sarah have?

Hebrews 11 tells us that Abraham was called to go out into a place he should after receive for an inheritance. He obeyed, not knowing where he was going. There was no point on a map circled. He and Sarah dwelled in tents and in a strange country. But he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God. And Sarah was given strength to conceive and deliver a child when she was past age, because she judged Him faithful who had promised. Isaac was their only begotten son.

How encouraging it is when we consider God's faithfulness in times past. Since He is the same yesterday and today, He is faithful to us today. So take comfort-this too shall pass.

Thank You Heavenly Father for Your faithfulness to us.
Thank You for what You are going to do in people's hearts and lives and families.
Fill us with joy and gladness today.
You alone are worthy of honor and praise.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Feeling Miserable?

O. T. #1668  "Feeling Miserable?"
April 15, 2020
Isaiah 50-Part 2
Who is among you that feareth the LORD, that obeyeth the voice of his servant, that walketh in darkness, and hath no light? Let him trust in the name of the LORD, and stay upon his God.
(verse 10)


Friend, are you feeling miserable these days? Perhaps you have the kids home from school all day, or you are working from home, or have lost your job due to the coronavirus, or you can't go shopping. Our life is different since we have to say inside. But there is hope. Continue reading to find it.

Today's focus of study is on verses 10 and 11.
Are you one of God's servants that feareth (reverant) the LORD?
Are you obeying the voice of Jesus?
Yet, do you, faithful one, feel like you are walking in darkness (misery)?
Are you lacking light (brilliancy, bright, shining) Jesus' direction in your life?

Sometimes we can feel this way. We can be walking around in misery and wonder where Jesus is in all of this. Dear on, if this is how you feel today, verse 10 has the answer for you.
What are the two things we must do to overcome this?
  1. Trust [to hie (to go quickly) for refuge; be confident; sure; hope] in the name authority, character) of our God.
  2. Stay (rest; lean) upon your God.
There we have it. If you are miserable, then go to your God for refuge and hope, trusting in His authority and character. He's got this; He never looses control. Maybe, just maybe, something good will come from all of this new situation. We can learn to rest in our God more. We can learn to lean upon His judgment more. We can hope in His rescue and protection in our life and our loved ones lives. We can surrender the control over our life to Jesus. Could it be the purpose for this deadly virus is for the lost to turn to Jesus for their Savior, as they realize death can come quickly to any of us?

Another perspective on this verse is that we might be wondering around seeking God's will for our life, in the waiting for Him to reveal it. That could be why we feel we are walking in darkness.

Another view is that these are the persecuted saints who suffer because of their fear of the Lord and their obedience to the voice of his servant. (The Broadman Bible Commentary)

Whichever it is referring to, we know the answer is Jesus Christ. The godly person's end will be one of peace and everlasting light, forever with Jesus.


In contrast, verse 11 speak of the sinners, unbelievers. Those in false religion, as they trust in something other than Jesus as Savior. They refresh and please themselves with a conceit of their own merit and sufficiency, and warm themselves with that. They place their happiness in their worldly possessions and enjoyments, and not in the favor of God. The children of the world walk in pride and pleasure in the light of them. (Matthew Henry's Commentary)

See Job 18:5-6. The end of the wicked, the unbelievers, the worldly, will be sorrow in hell where there is utter darkness and torment because they rejected Jesus as Savior.

Christian, keep the faith in Jesus and walk in His light. Thank you, precious one, for being faithful to follow this blog. May God richly bless you above all that we think or ask.

God, You are faithful and true.
Light our way so we walk in Your way.
Help us remain faithful as we suffer so we can share in the joy of Your sufferings.
Keep our focus upon You today.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Comfort the Weary

O. T. #1667  "Comfort the Weary"
April 14, 2020
Isaiah 50


Four times in verses 4-9, who does the Servant, Jesus Christ, name? He names the Lord God ('adonay Yahweh). This God who clothes the heavens will also do what for His Servant/servant?
  • He gives His words of wisdom, so we can comfort the weary. (verse 4)
  • He wakens us and opens our understanding to His will.
  • He speaks and we listen; we do not rebel nor turn away.
  • He helps us, so we will not be disgraced. (verse 7)
  • When we set our face like a rock, determined to do His will, we will not be put to shame.
Those are come promising words, right? After all, we can all use some words of wisdom, understanding of His will, and help.
Will we help comfort the weary ones now in isolation? Will we share the hope that we have within us-eternal life in heaven, strength to continue today?


In this chapter, God does not beat around the bush. He immediately comes out and says clearly that He will divorce Israel and threatens to do the same to Judah. In Jeremiah 3, we get a better understanding. The backslidden Israel will commit adultery, worshiping other gods upon every high mountain and under every green tree, in pagan idolatry. God will try to get them to repent of their sins and turn back to God, but they will refuse. Because of her spiritual adultery, God gave her a divorce; thus the northern kingdom fell to Assyria in 721 BC.

Judah, who was Israel's sister, does not learn her lessons from the punishment of Israel. Judah will pretend to repent, but not with her whole heart. King Josiah genuinely turned to the Lord (2 Kings 23, but the people only complied outwardly (2 Chron. 34-35). God promised that as He removed Israel, so He would remove Judah from the land (2 Kings 23:27).
[Resource: Liberty Bible Commentary]

We know that Babylon came as captured Judah, the land, the items in the Temple, and the people. How simple the solution would have been, but Judah was too stubborn.
Can we be stubborn, too?


Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For My yoke is easy, and my burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-30)

Let us not grow weary in doing good.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Got an Impossible Thing?

O. T. #1666  "Got an Impossible Thing?"
April 10, 2020
Isaiah 49-Part 5

Verses of Encouragement:
For with God nothing shall be impossible. (Luke 1:37)
And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to Thy Word.
(Luke 1:38a)


Do you have an impossible thing in your life? Will you allow God to contend with it today? There are some things that we can't solve, provide, fix. So far, we can't stop this COVID 19. There is hope for you, friend. Continue to find it.

What characteristic of God ensured that He could deliver on His promises even if His ways differed from human ways (verses 24-26)? (The Experiencing God Study Bible)
The answer is God is mighty.  Only 4 times is God referred to "the Mighty One of Jacob." We find it at the end of verse 26, Is. 60:16, Psalm 132:2,5.
Remember who Jacob was? He was the grandson of Abraham and the man whose name was changed to Israel. Also, Jacob had 12 sons, who became the 12 tribes of the nation of Israel.

Let me ask you this, "Just how mighty do you believe God is?" Can He deliver us from this coronavirus?
He is the One who spoke everything into being-Creator.
He controls all things-Sovereign.
He parted and calmed seas, healed the sick, killed the enemies of Israel, brought money from a fish's mouth, arose from the dead, and saves the lost today.

In the rest of this chapter, God reassures Judah that after their 70 year captivity, which occurs 150 years later, He will set them free, deliver the Jews, His chosen people, by using a heathen king.
Don't you think that same God, who is the same yesterday, today, and forever, is capable of providing for us and protecting us from a deadly virus? He can provide for us and strengthen us, for He loves us with an unfailing love.


Look at verse 25. For I will contend with him that contendeth with thee, and I will save thy children.

The word contend means to toss, grapple, to wrangle, hold a controversy, rebuke, plea.

Most of the time, when I have left the revenge to God, He brings a worse bad thing upon that person than I would have. So if we let God contend with our problems, trials, financial situation, relationships, jobs, then He can handle it better than we can.

Will we trust Jesus today with whatever our need is? Nothing is impossible for Him.

When all of this is over, as verse 23 c says, Then you will know that I am the LORD. Those who trust in Me will never be put to shame.

Never should we doubt that God will fulfill His promises. He will even do the impossible to make them happen.

Father, we need You today.
Will You come work in each person's life and heart that reads this post?
Will You show yourself mighty?
Please content with this deadly virus? We leave it in Your mighty hands.
Then we will know that Your alone are the LORD God Almighty.
Please give us peace today as we walk by faith.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Good Friday 2020
It's a sobering thing to think of Jesus going through such heart wrenching beatings. For Him to try carrying His cross through the city He loves so much, along the streets that He had walked before, where  He was  treated with love by his own race. Then those same people who welcomed Jesus into Jerusalem changed and showed Him hate, not allowing His release. Yes it was a sobering walk on the Via Delorosa in Jerusalem last year. It is an incline up a hill, so another carried it for Him, since He was too weak. I understand His need for I was out of breath before reaching the top.

Oh the sting of the nails in His hands and feet, which never left His body until Jesus died. He told His disciples ahead of time that He had to go to Jerusalem. Love for them, for you and me compelled Him to go. Why did Jesus do it?  He endured the pain of the cross so we can have salvation by faith. So we don't have to pay for our sins because Jesus became took our punishment for our sins. His arms stretched out to spread out grace to all who believe in Jesus as Savior, Moshiy. He became the Passover Lamb so death passes over us and Christians can have eternal life in heaven. He shed His blood in order for us to be righteous, right with God. You see, our own righteousness is as filthy rags.
Without Jesus we are unfit for heaven, for our soul must be cleaned with the blood of Christ.

The tomb where Jesus' body lay parts of 3 days was borrowed. He didn't need it long, for Jesus arose from the dead! I walked into that tomb. I saw that His body was gone. Truly my Redeemer lives!
And now He lives in the hearts of His children. Besides,  He appeared to over 545 people as a witness to the world.

Precious one, have you asked Jesus to forgive your sins and be your Savior?
If not, now would be the time to do it.

1John 1:9 says that if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

If you already know Jesus as your Savior, then join me in praising Him and thanking Jesus for His mercy.

Know that Jesus still loves us and can be with us whether we worship at home, on line services, with family, or wherever we are.
Invite others to join watching your pastor and listening to a refreshing message of encouragement.
We plan to sing His praises in songs before my brother in law shares from the Word of God this Easter Sunday. We will be on Facebook-Centerpoint Baptist Church. Join us if you don't have a church.

I am praying for ya'll. Know that God loves you and is with you. I love you, too.
Thank you for faithfully studying the Word with me.
I have been praying early in the morning before I get up to start my day. There are so many who need the protection of God from Covid 19 that I need that extra time.
Have a wonderful, happy Easter.

In His Love,

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Are You Feeling Forgotten?

O. T. #1665  "Are You Feeling Forgotten?"
April 9, 2020
Isaiah 49-Part 4
Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before Me.
(verse 16)


Do you feel forsaken and forgotten by the LORD? Today we find reassurances that you and I are not forsaken nor forgotten by our God. Stay connected with Him in the Word and with others.

Previously, we discovered that God will not forget us. (verse 15b) Now we read of another promise.
Read our key verse above. Okay, now read it again. We have two written promises in black and white.

1.  The divine love of God for His people is said to be infinitely greater than the strongest form of human love, that is, greater than a mother's love for her infant child. There is more likelihood, therefore, that a mother would forget to have compassion on her child than that God would forget Zion (Jerusalem) and His children today. How can He forget her/us when He has her engraved on the palms of His hands, and when her walls are never out of His mind?
God's unfailing love, even in the face of human indifference and disobedience, is the cord that binds both He and us believers.  [Resource: The Broadman Bible Commentary]

In the Hebrew language, in which the Old Testament was written, graven refers to engraven; to enact (cut in stone); print; set. Palms means middle; power. Walls refers to a wall of protection.

Applying this to us personally and individually, God has carved, engraved, us/our names in the middle or palms of His hands, like a tattoo.

God's relationship with us is such that He is inseparably united to His people. (Falwell)

John Gill's Exposition says:
God's people are always in His sight, His eyes were ever upon them, and never withdrawn from them; as anything held in the hand, or tied to or wore upon it, as a signet or ring that has the name of a person on it, to which the allusion may be; which shows how near and dear they are to Him, what affection He has for them, and care of them.

John 10:27-28 says, My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand.

Once we are in the hands of Jesus, no one can remove us. Take comfort in He's got the whole world in His hands.
Dear friend, God will not leave us or forsake us, either. (Hebrews 13:5)

Look at the second part of our key verse. What is the second promise God makes?

2. Our walls are continually before Him. This could refer to the walls of Jerusalem, which needed rebuilding, as well as the walls of their houses, that needed to reconstructed, too. God enjoys inhabiting the places where His children are. (Babylon came into Jerusalem and destroyed everything-city walls, the Temple, and homes of the Jews.)
The devil tries to come into our homes and destroy our family by bringing fear with him. Especially since we are confined to our homes, this is true. Also, we can fear financial failure.

Take comfort in knowing that God is constantly caring for and concerned for our protection and safety as His church and people. He places angels about them, salvation for walls and bulwarks to them. God Himself is a wall of fire about them (26:1). (John Gill)

Thank You God that You are always with us, always thinking of us, loving us, and caring for us.
Please renew our confidence in You.
Thank You that You never forsake us nor forget about us.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Are You Afflicted Today?

O. T. #1664  "Are You Afflicted Today?
April 8, 2020
Isaiah 49-Part 3
Sing, O heavens, and be joyful, O earth, and break forth into singing, O mountains: for the LORD hath comforted His people, and will have mercy upon His afflicted. (verse 13)


Do you feel like singing today? Or are we grumbling because we are in shut-in inside our homes? Sunday may be the first Easter that we have not gone to worship services, probably in 50 years. My brother in law is a pastor a small church close by, and is planning on having a service outside. His members will remain in cars with windows rolled down, keeping distances between others. It is my hope that my husband and I are able to joy them, singing a couple of songs about our Resurrected Savior. What a way to praise our Risen LORD. I hope you can find a special way to worship, too. If not, join us on Facebook-Centerpoint Baptist Church at 11 am Central time.

Now, look at  verses 9-15. Even though God is speaking to Judah and Israel, as to what will happen after their captivity is over, He is also speaking to the Millennial kingdom reign of Jesus in the future.
In addition to those, we should have a reason to praise Jesus, for He has extended salvation to us Gentiles, as well as Jews.
What can we learn from this passage?
  • Heaven and earth, and the church will break into singing songs of praise and thanksgiving and worship of our Redeemer. The whole creation will join with us in songs of joy and redemption.
  • Jesus sets prisoners free. Are you bound to worry and fear? Those in darkness will see the Light. Sin puts us in spiritual darkness, but Jesus is our Light.
  • The LORD comforts His people. Our sufferings are a little thing compared what sufferings Jesus went through before and while on the cross.
  • God will have mercy upon His afflicted. Mercy means to love; to have compassion on; pity. Afflicted refers to depressed, in mind or circumstances; humble; lowly; needy; poor.

Are you depressed because of your circumstances? Jesus is ready to show you mercy, compassion, when we turn to Him. Lay down your problems at His feet. Jesus can take care of them and you, dear one.


Look at verse 15. Can a mother forget her nursing baby? I, for one, did not. I was sensitive to my baby's needs and knew when it was time to feed or care for the baby. Mothers do not become too preoccupied with other things that she neglects the needs of her child.

Our God is sensitive to the needs of His children in the same way a loving mother does. He anticipates every cry for helps. Even before we can call out in need, God is responding with His answer. (Blackaby)

Isaiah 65:24 says, And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.

What a promise! We can have confidence that our Heavenly Father hears and answers our prayers, even before we ask Him. In His proper timing God answers.

Now, look at the last of verse 15-Even if a mother forgets her child and does not tend to its needs, our God will not.
Can't get any better than that, folks, can it?

                              ... of the worries and fears.
                              ... and declare I am a child of God.
                              ... and lay down my afflictions at Jesus' feet, for Him to handle.
                              ... asking for mercy.
Thank You God of Mercy and love for what Your are doing.
We trust You today with our needs.
Please bless everyone who reads this blog with Your mercy and peace and love.
The joy of the Lord is my strength.

Who Was Despised and Detested?

O. T. #1663  "Who Was Despised and Detested?"
April 7, 2020
Isaiah 49-Part 2
Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength, and my song; He also is my salvation. (Isaiah 12:2)


How is it going with you, my friend? So far, we are blessed. Our children, grandchildren, and extended families are well. God is good, all the time! Our state has not been ordered by the governor to stay home and close up our shop. (Of course, we have a major distribution center here as well as a major truck line. We provide chicken and beef to our nation from our area. However, one of Little Debbies' plants has closed here, so you better stock up.

Read on to find out who was despised and detested, dear ones.

Previously it was established that Jesus in the Servant mentioned in the first part of this chapter. He is referred to the Redeemer of Israel and the Holy One. How was he going to be treated during His first coming, according to verse 7?
  • Man would and did despiseth (scorned) Jesus.
  • The nation of Israel would and did abhorreth (to loath, detest, abominable) Jesus.
  • He is the servant of rulers.
  • Kings would stand at attention when He passed by them.
  • Princes shall worship Jesus.

God wanted Israel to know and recognize that it was He who delivered them again from slavery. All will worship Jesus because the LORD is faithful and the Holy One of Israel, who has chosen them/us. This can also describe Jesus's second coming and when He reigns as King over all the earth.
this reminded me of the scriptures found in the fifty third chapter. At His first coming, we read of Jesus being despised and abhorred, scorned and detested by the Jews.

Friends, we either bow our knees to Jesus now or at the judgment, if we have not done so here.
The One who was despised does not despise us. The One who was abhorred does not abhor us.
The One who came as a Servant of God still has a servant's heart as He gives to us.
May we stand before our King in worship and honor.
Worship Jesus as your King of your heart.


At just the right time, Jesus will respond to our needs, He tells us in verse 8. How will He do this?
  • Because Jesus has heard our prayers, He will answer.
  • He will help us.
  • Jesus will preserve us.
  • He will give us for a covenant people.
  • As for Israel after their captivity is over, He will and did reestablish it as a nation.
I think how appropriate for us to read this during our isolation time. Jesus will hear our prayers, helps us to endure this time, and will preserve His children because He keeps His promises and Word. Hopefully, when this has passed over us, we will emerge a changed people, churches, and nation.


Thank You Jesus for interceding for us to the Heavenly Father; that You hear your children in desperate need today. Thank You for Your help. Please be with all who read this post. Protect them from all diseases today. We thank You for what You are doing and going to do in showing Yourself a Mighty God, compassionate and merciful. You alone are righteous, so hold us with Your righteous right hand.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Mundane and Monotonous

O. T. #1662  "Mundane and Monotonous"
April 6, 2020
Isaiah 49

Verses of Encouragement:
Jesus is speaking in John 14:1-Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in Me.

Paul is speaking in 2 Timothy 1:7-For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Peter is speaking in 1 Peter 4:7-Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you.


Does life seem mundane, monotonous, or even hopeless as we spend day in and day out inside our home? It doesn't have to be, dear friend. The same power that raise Jesus Christ from the dead is available to us.

He can give us supernatural power to overcome temptations, to smile through tears, to experience joy despite life's burdens and trials. (Billy Graham)

Couldn't we all use a little joy today? We just might get some if we will only begin thanking God for all the blessings He has given us.

According to Wiersbe, in the previous chapters, 40-48, God reveals several aspects of His greatness. We read of the greatness of God's:
  • Person (ch.40)
  • Purpose (ch. 41)
  • Pardon (ch. 42-43)
  • Promises (ch. 44-45)
  • Power (ch. 46-48)
So when we need some joy, just review some verses we have previously read and maybe you highlighted.

Now, in this chapter 49, the Servant (Jesus Christ) has the task and mission to bring Israel back and to gather them unto Himself. What do we learn here?
  • Isaiah personalizes and identifies the Servant by name-the virgin-born Immanuel. (7:14 & verse 1)
  • His mouth is like a sharp sword-Jesus reprimanded the Jews of their pias religion with His words of judgment.
  • Jesus was hidden in the shadow of God's hand.
  • He was like a sharp arrow in God's quiver.
  • He brings glory to God.
Jesus had a hard life and commission to fulfill as He endured temptation by the devil, endured rejection and physical beating by the Jews, endured the pain of the cross and His Father turning away.
But what a glorious result of His sufferings-our salvation.

Even when our work seems so useless and our strength is spent for what seems like nothing and to no purpose, we know it isn't. We can leave it all in the LORD's hand and trust Him to reward us. (verse 4)

Then said I, I have labored in vain. I have spent my strength for nought, and in vain: yet surely my judgment is with the LORD, and my work with my God. (verse 4)


What was the Servant, Jesus' threefold mission from the Lord?
First, He was to bring Jacob again to God and to restore the preserved remnant of Israel.
Second, He was to be a light to the Gentiles. (verse 6) See Acts 13:47.
Third, He was the New Covenant (New Testament)-salvation by faith through grace.

Even though these verses can be applied to Israel, they were referring of the coming Messiah, and  are ultimately can be applied to us-we are commissioned to be a light to the Gentiles and to life in the N.T. Covenant of Jesus.

Dear child of God, His love never fails, never gives up, and never runs out on us.


Use me to point people to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.
May my life bring glory to my Heavenly Father.
Restore the joy of our salvation, even while we are confined to our house.

Friday, April 3, 2020


O. T. #1661 "Peace"
April 3, 2020
Isaiah 48-Part 3

Verses of Encouragement:
Thou art my hiding place and my shield; I hope in thy word. (Ps. 119:114)
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. (Ps. 119:105)
But I have trusted in Thy mercy; my heart shall rejoice in Thy salvation. I will sing unto the LORD, because He hath dealt bountifully with me. (Ps. 13:5-6)
Behold, happy is the man whom God correcteth: therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty. (Job 5:17) 
Blessed is the man whom Thou chastenest, O LORD, and teachest him out of Thy law.
 (Ps. 94:12) 


A good chapter to read before this content is Hebrews 12. It speaks of the chastening of the LORD. It is a good thing, because it shows us that we are a child of God. It is due to His love for us, as a parent loves their child and corrects them, that God disciplines us. It is so that we might be partakers of His holiness. (verse 10) Afterward, it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness and our growth.

Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord. (verse 14)
Therefore, if God is disciplining us with this virus, we should consider it a good thing.

Life Application Study Bible explains:
Like a loving parent, God teaches and guides us. We should listen to Him because peace and righteousness come to us as we obey His Word. Reusing to pay attention to God's commands invites punishment and threatens that peace and righteousness. (Is.48:17-18)
Obedience to God's commandments and commands will bring peace as a river and righteousness as the waves of the sea. His blessings will continue to flow our way when we obey.
Jesus is our righteousness, for ours is as filthy rags. Do you believe in Jesus? He is God's Son who came to be our Savior and Redeemer.

For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. (Is. 9:6)

There is no peace without the Prince of Peace.


I am the LORD you God, who teaches you what is good for you and leads you along the paths you should follow. (verse 17b)

By His grace He leads them in the way of duty, by His providence He leads them in the way of deliverance. Happy are those that are under such a guidance! (Matthew Henry)

Folks, when we get through this pandemic, we will go on paths while singing with joy in our hearts, for our Faithful God has delivered us.
Can you sing, It is well with my soul?
Will we trust in Jesus, our Provider, Sustainer, and Deliverer?
Live in the peace of God today, for He's got this.
Our God is mighty to save.
Pray for salvation in our nation.


Whatever my lot, Thou hast caused me to say, it is well with my soul.
For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
Your grace is sufficient for me.
I know that You love me and have my best in mind for me.
Please, Jesus, bless and protect and give peace to all who read this today.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

What's in a Name?

O. T. #1661  "What's in a Name?"
April 2, 2020
Isaiah 48-Part 3

Verses of Encouragement:
Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine. (43:1)

Fear not: for I am with thee... (43:5a)

Great peace have they which love Thy law: and nothing shall offend them. (Ps. 119:165)


For mine own sake, even for mine own sake, will I do it: for how should My name be polluted? and I will not give my glory unto another. (verse 11)

Here, God is speaking about choosing Judah for the furnace of affliction. Why did He do it, send His children, Judah, into captivity for 70 years?
  • It was for God's own sake, for He demands being number one in their lives. Judah was told to not have idols before Him.
  • He does not stand for His name being polluted nor His reputation tarnished.
  • God will not give His glory to another. In order for Judah to not give credit to their gods of idolatry the credit for rescuing them from captivity, He proclaims this.

What's in a name? It is very important to God.
There are a lot of words in verses 11 and 12 which need looking into, and I am just the person to do it, right?

In the Hebrew language, in which the O.T. is written, the word polluted means to profane, stain, wound.

Just last week I was shopping for groceries and these two young men walk by me. One was using my Savior's name in vain as a curse word, so that fired me up. I asked, "So you know Jesus Christ?" He mumbled something and kept on walking. They were polluting and profaning the precious name of Jesus and I could not be quiet. Perhaps his mother did not teach him to respect and love my Redeemer's name, and I stepped in. Maybe that incident made them to think about Him, if just for a second. Aren't we supposed to plant the seed, Christian, wherever we go.

Folks, God says that He will not give His glory to another. We need to honor Him wherever we go. Israel was created in order to proclaim the greatness of Him and reflect His glory, yet they did not do so.
Are we giving God the glory which He deserves?  Are we proclaiming His greatness in our life?


Hearken unto Me, O Jacob and Israel, My called: I am He; I am the first, I also am the last.
(verse 12)

Called means to call out to; address by name; renowned; renowned-a state of being widely acclaimed and highly honored.
First refers to the beginning; first in place, time, rank.
Last is to come; latter; rereward; uttermost.

Christian, we are the called out ones to be the light in the dark and fearful world. We are a chosen, unique vessel of His grace to achieve His purpose for our life.  Are we pointing others to Jesus by faith? Are we trusting in Him for our needs or are we fearful like others?
Is God first place in our life, ranking first and most important? Do we give Him the time of day?

Jesus proclaims in Revelation 22:13, I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.

There is no other way to heaven, no other Savior or Messiah, and certainly no other God. some people don't know this.

Glory to God in the highest!
Thank You for calling me into a relationship with You, Jesus.
May I never pollute Your holy name.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Are We in the Furnace of Affliction?

O. T. #1660  "Are We in the Furnace of Affliction?"
April 1, 2020
Isaiah 48-Part 2

Verses of Encouragement:
Comfort ye, comfort ye My people, saith your God. (Isaiah 40:1)

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength: they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. (Is. 40:31)

They helped every one his neighbor; and every one said to his brother, Be of good courage. (Is.41:6)


The message in this chapter was given to both Israel and Judah. Right off the bat God reprimands them for being hypocrites giving only lip service to Him and not following in truth nor in righteousness. Their heart is far from God, although they call themselves by His name and by the holy city. Many are practicing idolatry on the side. They put on a good show, but that is all it is, since God sees in their hearts.

Because God is the only true and living God, His predictions come true, to pass.
What are the 3 things that God mentions in verse 3 that He can do?
He alone can reveal:
  1. the former things,
  2. new things,
  3. and hidden things.
Concerning former things, God delivered Israel from slavery in Egypt. We have proof that God can do those things because His predictions came true. God told Israel and Judah to repent of their sins, or else they would go into captivity. Then Babylon captured them, some 150 years later. After 70 years, He sent set them free and sent them back to Jerusalem to rebuild the city and the Temple.
Also, the new things involved the first and second coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. The hidden things could be grace and mercy and the Holy Spirit, for they had yet to experience them.


Behold, I have refined thee, but not with silver; I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction.
(verse 10)

The word chosen as used in this verse, means tried.

From what we read in chapter 47, the Babylonians were wicked people. They made their slave girls grind with millstones while being naked. The elderly had to work, too. They put people in the den of lions, as Daniel, when they would not bow down to the idol of their ruler. Also, they put them in the fiery furnace, as the 3 Hebrew boys experienced. Certainly that was their furnace of affliction.

Liberty Bible Commentary states:
We are here reminded that even God's acts of judgment are ultimately acts of mercy. The reason for His severe treatment of His people is that they might emerge from their afflictions minus the dross of their sin and that they might reflect His glory and greatness among them.

The good news is that God preserved His children, a remnant of believers. He is the same God, friend. He can preserve us during this pandemic, our furnace of affliction. Let us comfort, help, and encourage each other, as the verses say above. We will make it through this. While we are here, may our faith in our God increase and may we grow closer to Him.

It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn Thy statutes. (Ps. 119:71)

                     ... of fear and trust God to meet my needs.
                                ... of fear and rely on God to protect me and my family from this deadly disease.
                                ... of self-centeredness and encourage others.
                                ... of weak faith and grow strong faith.
Glory to our God, the Lord of all creation. How great is my God!