Tuesday, June 13, 2023

How Big is Your Faith?

N.T.#90 "How Big is Your Faith?"

June 13, 2023

Matthew 8-Part 5


In verses 23-27, the disciples encounter a storm in a boat. Jesus and his disciples got into a ship and sailed away from the crowd on the Sea of Galilee. He must have told them where to sail to-Capernaum. It was about 10 miles by boat, which should only take a couple of hours. Jesus must have been exhausted from the overwhelming pace the last few days, for He fell asleep in the boat. (verses 23-24) 

Then a massive storm blew in. It is typical event for that area. The lake is surrounded by mountains, causing a sort of gigantic funnel potentially making catastrophic winds that could topple a midsized fishing boat. Probably, the group started out with a clear, sunny, calm day on the lake, but it quickly turned into a dark, stormy day with high-velocity winds and crashing waves. (When we were there, a storm was brewing suddenly out of nowhere.)

Now, these guys were fishermen, had experienced this type of weather and had survived. But this time was different, for they had sheer panic. Waves were splashing water into the boat. What did the men do? The woke up Jesus, who was sound asleep. Isn't it amazing that Jesus had remained asleep during such a rough ride? It shows us that Jesus was fully human, so physically exhausted that He could apparently sleep through anything. Also, Jesus is fully divine, utterly unworried about the violent storm. As long as the God-man was on board, nothing catastrophic would happen to that vessel. 

Lord save us: we parish. (verse 25)

In the Greek language, perish means to destroy fully (to perish or lose); die.

Come to think about it, Matthew would have been in the boat, experiencing this. When he wrote this account, he recalled it personally. At a peak of panic, the disciples' first line was a confession of great faith. They believed Jesus could save them. 

Have you been there, friend? One time my husband was driving a curvy road, going too fast as we rounded the corner, we veered off the pavement, heading toward a gate. All I could think and do was call out to Jesus, "Help!" Immediately He responded. We skipped within inches of the pasture's gate. How great is our God! (We could have damaged our car and had to replace a gate.) What a wonderful God we serve! 

[Resource: Swindoll's Living Insights on Matthew]


Look at this-Jesus did not immediately wake up and rebuke the wind. What was His first response? He shook His finger at the fearful men and asked why they were fearful. He called them ye of little faith. (verse 26)

Don't we know about that? How many times have we been lacking faith in situations? Who can count, huh? 

After acknowledging their little faith, then Jesus rebuked the winds and the sea. Thus, there was a great calm. How many times have I read this and it never sunk in-Jesus brough a great calm to what was troubling His disciples. Can't He do the same for us?! He's got this, dear one! Whatever is troubling you, keeping you awake, giving you a headache-He's got this!

I needed to hear this. I have been very busy getting decorations and materials and people ready for Vacation Bible School, that I have worked myself into a frenzy. Needing to replace workers going on vacation that week, having a helper have surgery, not knowing what materials are needed for crafts. Whew! What did I get myself into? (I am 10 years older now.) So I step back and ask for Jesus to help me get it all ready. I lay it at His feet, to do as only He can do-solve problems and meet needs. (It is all done for His glory anyway.)

Oh me of little faith! If it only takes faith the size of tiny mustard seed, then I can do this! No, He can do this through me. 

How big is your faith?


Jesus, take charge of this. Do what only You can do-work it all out for Your glory.

I thank You and praise You, my God!

Use us for Your honor as You see us through our problems.

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