Monday, October 17, 2022

Overcoming The Overwhelming

O. T. #2301 "Overcoming The Overwhelming"

Oct. 17, 2022

Zechariah 8-Part 2


Are you old enough to recall children playing in the streets of cities? And the elderly could walk safely home from the store without being mugged or beaten? It is not so today, but it used to be during my childhood. My neighborhood girlfriends and I could safely ride our bikes down to the creek for a summer's afternoon of refreshment and fun without giving it a thought. (We had no air conditioning in our homes back then.) Our parents had no reasons to be concerned for us living on our country roads. Oh, that it was so for our grandchildren today. One day it will be, so continue on to learn when.

This third message given to Zechariah by God speaks of His jealousy over His people that will lead to their repentance and blessing. Look at the four wonderful truths found in this message which God gives:

  1. Jehovah is jealous for Zion (Jerusalem). (verse 2)
  2. Jehovah will dwell in Zion. (verse 3)
  3. Jehovah's security for Zion. (verses 4-5)
  4. Jehovah's restoration of His people. (verses 6-8)  (Liberty Bible Commentary)
During His Millennial Kingdom reign, the Messiah (Jesus Christ) will reign as Priest-King in the city of Jerusalem on the holy mountain of the LORD of Hosts. (verse 3) the King who lives there is holy.   Who are the most defenseless people of society? They are the elderly and the children, who will live in tranquility, peace, and security. The children will be safe to play in the streets. (verses 4-5)

All this may seem impossible to the remnant of God's people. but is it impossible for God? (The LORD of Heaven's Armies is asking.) and all God's people say, "Of course not, Lord.")

Luke 1:37 taught us, Nothing is impossible with God. Matthew 19:26b reminds us ... with God all things are possible. So does Mark 10:27 and Luke 18:27. 

God specializes in overcoming overwhelming odds. (Charles Swindoll) 

So what is overcoming you, overwhelming you, dear one? God never leaves His children alone. He is working out His plan. We know our situations are only temporary. Trust Him.


Don't lose heart or hope. Jesus has got this-your this. Hang on and hang in there, friend. We know in the end, God wins. We need to just let go and let our God.

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