Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Jesus Has Got This!

O. T. #2293  "Jesus Has Got This!"

Oct. 5, 2022

Zechariah 6


No matter what has you up at night, has you wringing your hands, captures your thoughts, friend, Jesus has got this! I know it is hard to continue on. Grace, God's grace, is greater than all my sin and your sin and the world's sins. Sometimes we just need to hear this.

The eighth and last vision of Zechariah is found in this chapter as a universal vision. The emphasis is on the horses and chariots, not the riders and their ministry in accomplishing God's ministry and purpose. The four chariots represent the four spirits/angels assigned different parts of the world to do God's bidding. First of all, they were between two brass mountains. They are Mt. Morah and the Mt. of Olives, which have the Valley of Jehoshaphat, Kidron Valley between them.  

Mt. Morah was the place where Abraham took Issaac to sacrifice him to the Lord. It is also Jerusalem where the first two Temples of worship were erected. the Mt. of Olives is where Jesus prayed in the garden before His crucifixion.

The various colors of horses indicated their missions and have representation:

  • bay, red was war and bloodshed
  • black was calamity and distress, famine
  • white was victory and joy
  • grizzled, spotted, was plagues and pestilence.
Those could represent the 4 great empires in Daniel's vision. They could refer to those in John's vision of 4 horsemen in the Great Tribulation found in Revelation 6. The thing is, the judgment of God will eventually come, at His timing. 
Are we ready?


The four spirits of the heavens went out, as well as the two horses, north to Babylon and south to Egypt. Cyrus conquered them. In the future Israel, the Messiah will conquer the enemies of Israel and destroy them. King Jesus will rise up to reign as the world's great king in authority.

Some powerful nations today may think they can conquer all and rise to be a world empire, but not so. Our God has it all planned out. The future will go as He has deemed it to go. Evil will not prevail, but good will be victorious. 


You alone are God, Almighty God, the only One to be worshiped and served.

As we go through today, help us smile and say, "Jesus has got this!"


  1. Love how you broke this down! Hope you are doing better.

  2. Thanks my friend. Yes I am getting better each day. Soreness is less. Hope you are well.
