Tuesday, March 12, 2019

The Holy Land Trip
Day 6
March 12, 2019

Sunday, we will visit around Jerusalem. It will be a solemn tour a we pass the Chapel of Ascension and Paternoster to the Mt. of Olives. Walking the traditional Passion walk of Jesus.

At the viewing the Golden Gate, we walk downhill to Gethsemane, meditating on the Gospel.
Next we visit the Upper Room and the Tomb of King David, then enter the Zion Gate and proceed to the Steps that entered the Temple and the Southern Wall. It was here Jesus would have taught the disciples. As Psalm 134 says, I will be blessing the LORD with my hands lifted in the sanctuary.

Driving to the hills of Bethlehem, we will pass by Rachel's Tomb and the Shepherds' Fields. The two kings of the Jews were noted here-King Herod was buried and King Jesus was born in a manger here. I wonder if the cave of St. Jerome is the nativity site of our King's birth, King Jesus.

I am sure the reality of the New Testament events will come alive as we visit these historical sites. To come is the Via Dolorosa and the Garden Tomb, empty.

Our heavenly Father and His Son planned this all out before the foundations of the world. such details and obscure places of humility. Christ did not come to take over as king of Rome at that time. But it is to come, dear one.

Please pray for our safe trip home today and tonight. It will be very long and tiring. Thanks.

Thanking Jesus for loving this country girl of faith.

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