Thursday, August 16, 2018

Blessing to You Today

O. T. #1264  "Blessing to You Today"
August 16, 2018
Psalm 67
Let the people praise Thee, O God; let all the people praise Thee.   Psalm 67:3 and 5


This psalm could have been written during the time of Hezekiah, or when Israel was returning from exile, or when David led the return of the Ark to Jerusalem. At any rate, Israel was rejoicing in their being God's priest to the nations.
Look what I discovered,-an Aaronic benediction, in which Aaron, the high priest and brother of Moses, blessed the children of Israel. It is found in Numbers 6:24-26. Now in today's chapter, verse 1 is a portion of it.
The LORD bless you and keep you;
The LORD make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you.
The LORD lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.

I think we would all like to have a prayer said for us asking God to delight in us and show us His favor. This well-being would lead to peace for us. Is that good or what!

Returning to our chapter, no matter the author, requests three things, according to Liberty Bible Commentary:
  1. mercy, the prerequisite for salvation;
  2. blessing, the accompaniment of salvation;
  3. and divine favor, the end of salvation.
Thy saving health (yeshi'ah) occurs more than 70 times in the Hebrew Bible, and in more than 50 instances it is translated salvation, understood in the singular sense as salvation among all nations.

Happiness comes from having God's grace and mercy bestowed upon us, knowing His love for us, and having His face shine upon us as we walk by faith. When we have all of that, we are want to share it with others and nations. When our sins are forgiven and we know Jesus is our Savior, we look forward to eternal life in heaven. Let us praise our God today. The joy of the Lord is our strength.


One day, all the peoples of the earth will join Israel in praising God, Jews and Gentiles. They will be glad and sing for joy when God judges the people righteously and govern the nations upon the earth. (verse 4)
When will this happen? When will everyone see His salvation? It will be whenever the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our God. That is when Jesus Christ sits upon the throne of David to rule His millennial kingdom. (Revelation 7:17) It will be when He deem it to be.

So we should do our part to help prepare for this, sharing the gospel according to Matthew 28. Let us bring them into God's family so they, too, can experience the blessings and joy of Jesus.


Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name.
Thank You God for salvation, mercy, and blessings.
Please Jesus bless everyone reading this today.

* If anyone is interested in seeing the Holy Land with us, my husband and our Director of Missions (who has visited prior to this) are leading a tour on March 5-12, 2019. We will meet in Atlanta and fly out together as a team. We would love to have you with us as we visit the places our Lord Jesus walked and are significant in His beloved Israel. You may contact me at countryroadfaith for details.

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