Monday, September 16, 2024


N.T.#391 "Divorce"

Sept. 16, 2024 

Mark 10


Have you been salty, sharing the love, peace, and forgiveness of Jesus with those around you? 

Now we read of Jesus' concluding ministry. He moved on to the area east of the Jordan River. Here come the Pharisees, popping up again, trying to trip up the Messiah. Keep in mind, Jesus wrote the laws before those guys were born. It was decided in heaven before Moses received it on the Mt. 

Here we go again with those religious guys, challenging Jesus.

The nature of marriage, which the Lord had ordained to be a permanent union between a man and a choice, is sealed in heaven. Regardless of what any earthly institution says, only God can dissolve the marriage. A divorce does not violate God's moral standard when one had committed adultery. The Greek word, porneia, encompasses a range of illicit sexual activities, including adultery, homosexuality, incest, bestiality, and child molestation. In the eyes of God, a couple may choose to divorce if porneia severs their bond. Later, Paul addressed the circumstance when one becomes the victim of an unjust divorce. If someone is abandoned, he or she is "not under bondage" the same way a widow is not bound to a dead spouse. (1 cor. 7:15, 49-40)

[Resource: Swindoll's Living Insights on Mark] (verses 1-12)


We have a Savior who is gracious toward us. It is because of the hardheartedness of people that divorce is prominent in our society. The unrepentant pursuit of sexual immorality is common today. The original plan of God for marriage, was that one man be married to one woman for life. (MacArthur)

Yet, is there any family that has not been affected by divorce. My husband and I are blessed to have had parents that stayed married until death. Both of our children have in laws in a similar situation. I pray our grandchildren can say the same. I know our society is a mess, but do not be discouraged. God is in the business of changing hearts. Marriage is hard; Jesus can give us what we need to love more and forgive more.


Teach us to choose forgiveness, Jesus.

Help us take back what the enemy stole.

May we love and serve our spouse today.

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