Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Time for a Heart Check

N.T.#177 " Time for a Heart Check"

Nov. 1, 2023

Matthew 15-Part 3


Have you had someone blame you for their problems or sinful ways? They accuse you of causing them to be hot-headed, unhappy, unloved, or immoral? Folks, if this is not truely your fault, then it is their problem, an unclean heart that loves to continue in sin. They may put on a good act for outsiders, but you know the truth. Look how Jesus dealt with this.

Where does true defilement come from? Defileth means pollute; unclean.

The Pharisees considered being defiled by not washing hands before eating. In other words, their ritual of washing hands before a meal is what they consider making them pure and undefiled. This is what they accused the disciples of being.

To be "defiled" religiously is to become dirty or polluted by sin. Moral pollution comes from the inside, not the outside. A dirty heart is the problem. We tend to justify our sinful words and actions by pointing what others did that caused our responses, but our circumstances don't cause our sin. Defilement is an internal matter, and external activity can't change a heart. (The Tony Evans Bible Commentary)

Do you know someone living in sin? Pray for deliverance. It may be that God wants you to confront them, so pray for wisdom and strength. Jesus is in the business of changing hearts.


How did Jesus deal with the Pharisees' accusation? 

Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man. (verse 11)

The idea in Judaism was that to eat the wrong sort of food deprived a man of holiness and ultimately, therefore, of acceptance with God. 

Well, the disciples asked Jesus if He knew that He had offended the Pharisees. (Of course He did guys.) How did He respond? 

Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. (verse 14)

I certainly don't want to fall into a ditch of sin morally or spiritually. How about you, friend?


Show us our ways that do not please You, Jesus.

Help us let go of those sinful habits.

Control our words today so they honor You.

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