Wednesday, June 29, 2022

More Questions

O. T. #2224 "More Questions"

June 29, 2022 

Habakkuk 1-Part 4


What do we do when God answers our prayers in a different way than we prefer or desire? So many times I have prayed for friends and loved ones to be healed of a disease only for God to take them away to heaven. Certainly, that was not my preference, but I had to yield to God's will, not mine.

The prophet Habakkuk asked God some questions but did not receive the answers he was expecting. He was hoping God would send a revival to His people, judge the evil leaders, and establish righteousness in the land of Judah. (The nation would escape punishment and be spared, along with the cities and people.)

However, God had warned His people time and time again but they would not listen. Judah rejected the prophets' words, which was from God, drought and plagues came, along with military defeats. Hearts were hardened instead of repentant, resulting in their turning to false gods. They tried God's patience long enough. (He sent Babylon to conquer Judah and take them into captivity for 70 years.)

What do we do when God doesn't answer or give us for what we asked? How do we react? do we surrender to His will or do we pout, get angry, reject it? Are we willing for God to have His way in our life and in the lives of others?


We all know heartbreak bare wounds and scars, as well as walk through sorrow. God knows what it takes for people to come to Him and how much we can take.

Habakkuk asked two more questions of God:

  1. Will You let them get away with this forever?
  2. Will they succeed forever in their heartless conquests? (verse 17)
He is in reference to the Chaldeans, Babylonians. God had let the prophet see what was going to happen in a vision. Habakkuk left the questions with God, for all questions must ultimately be resolved by Him.
The thing is, folks, do we have faith strong enough for us to wait for the answers?
Isaiah told us in his writings, 60:22, When the time is right, I the Lord, will make it happen. 

So let's wait, not jump in and do something that may not be God's will for us. Oh, how I know that waiting is hard, sucks the wind out of you, throws away joy, if we allow it. God is God and we must yield to Him. 


What a friend we have in Jesus!

Grace is always available.

Fill our cups and run them over with Your grace and mercy!

Forever and ever Jesus reigns. Does He reign in your heart today?

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