Monday, January 10, 2022

Wonderfully Made

O. T. #2104  "Wonderfully Made"

Jan. 10, 2022

Amos 2-Part 2


Ever feel you are worthless or not important? Psalm 139:14-15 helps us realize how valuable our life is:

I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. My substance was not hid from Thee, when I was made in secret, and couriously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. (verses 14-15)

The anatomy of the human body is amazing and wonderful. How each part is articulately put together. 

God formed us as He wants us to be, and we must accept His will no matter how we feel about our genetic structure, our looks, or our abilities. (Wiersbe)

God makes no mistakes, sw we are not a mistake. We are created in His image with a purpose and meaning. Our self-worth and self-esteem should be based upon this truth.How can we but thank God for what He has given us! So, friend, know that you are loved by God from the top of your head to the toes. Are we willing to let Him use us for the glory of our Maker Asah (Aw-saw')?



Since Israel wanted to act like those who don't know God, they would be treated like those who don't know God. If anyone should have known better than to do the things listed here, it was those who had His Word.

Amos went into details pointing out the sins of the 10 northern tribes of Israel:

  1. They were guilty of injustice. (verse 6-7) the rick were suing the poor, who could not pay their bills, forcing them into slavery. the poor were neither forgiven nor assisted. They were supposed to care for the poor brothers.
  2. They were immoral. (verse 7b) Father and son were visiting the same prostitute, in idolatrous worship; or she could have been a servant. The law of Moses prohibited this action.
  3. Open idolatry was also their sin in disobeying the law.  (verse 8)They visited the pagan altars, got drunk on wine purchased with the fines from the poor. They slept by the altars on other people's garments defiling the garments. Officials were getting rich by exploiting the people, using their unjust gain fro committing sin.

[Resource: The Wiersbe Bible Commentary]

God had given Israel only one altar, and that was in Jerusalem, not Bethel. They had the law and were without excuse of those sins committed. And I think of America. Aren't we guilty of the same sins?

Well, Amos quit preachin' and went to meddlin'! It is time for a heart check. Are we guilty of any of those same sins? If so, it is time for repentance. The God who made us is a forgiving God.


Thank You Loving Father for making us.

Merciful God, have mercy on us sinners and our nation.

May we uphold Your Word as Truth.

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