Friday, September 10, 2021

Resting and Standing While we Wait

O. T. #2022  "Resting and Standing While We Wait"

Sept. 10, 2021

Daniel 12-Part 7


Are you waiting, friend? Are you adhering to Jesus while you wait for answered prayers? Are you waiting long for His coming to take you to heaven, remaining faithful? Are you tarrying and waiting for others to believe in Him as Savior? Is our faith growing strong as we wait for the return of Jesus to reign on earth as King of kings and Lord of lords? Daniel was told in verse 13, Blessed is he that waiteth."

Now we look at the last verse, the last thing Jesus told Daniel, But go thou thy way till the end be: for thou shalt rest and stand in thy lot at the end of the days. (verse 13)

Two words jumped out to me-rest and stand.

Rest means to settle down; to dwell; stay; (be) quiet; remain; set done.

Daniel had the assurance to be present to partake in the glorious event that follow the resurrection of believers. I pray that you have this assurance through having trusted Christ as personal Savior. (Romans 3:23; 5:8; 10:9-10, 13) If not, dear one, ask Jesus to forgive your sins and be your Savior.

Are we staying faithful in the game of life, going through daily chores, job, having hope in Jesus? Some days, more than others, we are ready and willing to receive our allotted inheritance now.

I like what Sarah Young said in her devotional book, Jesus Calling,  

"Your assignment is to trust Me (Jesus) absolutely, resting in My sovereignty and faithfulness."

Do we need to give up and rely on Jesus for something in our life today? Am I the only one who struggles trusting Jesus absolutely and rest in His sovereign control and faithfulness? We don't have to have all the answers, have it all together, live a perfect life. Jesus trust Him. He will give us strength to carry on.

God told Isaiah in 30:15a, In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength.

The rest of that verse says Israel would not do so. It is my prayer that we be not like Israel.



Stand refers to abide; continue; abide; endure; remain; tarry; stand by; stand fast; stand firm; stand still; stand up.

Are we standing by Jesus? Will we stand fast and strong for our faith? Are we standing firm in the Truth? Will we stand still and watch Jesus move in our circumstances and life? Ultimately, will we stand up for Jesus when those around us do not?

As we walk by faith in Jesus, may our fears and worries decrease as our trust increases. May our energy and time be spent serving the Master. Sometimes we need reminding that nothing can separate us from the love of Jesus.

Have a blessed day, friend, as you wait, rest in, and stand for Jesus today.




Wholeheartedly trust Jesus with everything.

Help us to trust in You at all times and in all things.

Help us rest in Jesus and not worry about what is around the next bend.

Jesus, only You are our Strength, Song, and Salvation.

May our delight be in You, King Jesus, our Redeemer.

We stand in awe of You, our Savior.

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