Monday, July 26, 2021

Be Useful Right Where You Are

O. T. #1989  "Be Useful Right Where You Are"

July 26, 2021

Daniel 5-Part 4


There is a thread that runs through our Scriptures today and it is in the form of one word. Read verses 11-14 and see if you can find it. (Definitions provided below can help.)

So the Queen Mother, who was probably Belshazzar's grandmother, knew who could interpret dreams because he had done some years earlier for King Nebuchadnezzar. What a reputation Daniel had made (or rather God made). She described Daniel as a man in the kingdom in whom the spirit of the holy gods (which should have read Almighty God) was within him. Previously, Daniel had insight, understanding, and wisdom like that of the gods (which should have been the One True God). Neb had promoted Daniel chief over all the Babylonian wise men, magicians after he interpreted Neb's dreams. Daniel had a track record. (His faithfulness to God had been rewarded.)

Look at this, these words are used by a pagan to describe Daniel (some are multiple times in verses 11-14):

  •  excellent (preeminent, very exceeding) spirit (mind, spirit, wind)  (verse 12) and wisdom (verse 14);
  • knowledge (wisdom or intelligence; reason; understanding) (verse 12)
  • light (illumination; wisdom) (verses 11,14)
  • understanding (intelligence) verses 11, 12, 14)
  • wisdom (verses 11, 14)
  • interpret dreams
  • explain riddles
  • solve difficult problems. (NLT)

Did you find the word? It is wisdom. Do we have the wisdom of God? Are we sharing that wisdom with others?

Call for Daniel and he will tell you what the writing means. That was grandmother's advice based on past experiences, a track record, and abilities of Daniel.

What kind of reputation do we have with others, out in the world, and within our family? Are we known as a follower of Jesus? Do we have wisdom from God that He can use to help others?

Wisdom, especially spiritual wisdom, is not just about knowing what's good for you, but applying that knowledge into your everyday life... When you do that, this is when you know that you are truly wise. (Shellie Warren, 2017)

In 2 Chronicles 1:11-12, Solomon asked for only wisdom and knowledge for himself so he could judge God's people that he served over as king in Israel.

Are we sharing the knowledge, light, and understanding of God's Word? Is the Holy Spirit giving us wisdom to apply those in our life?


After the usual introductions, Belshazzar repeated his generous offer to the man who could make known the writing on the wall-Daniel. The king's astrologers were brought in, but could not read those words nor interpret their meanings. Bel was anxious for the answer. (Recall that he was troubled and his countenance changed during the banquet.) Daniel had been in Babylon most of his life, so keep that in mind. He continued to serve his God all his life, wherever he was.

God wants to use us right where we are. Daily we come in contact with people who never enter a church, speak with a pastor, or open a Bible. God wants to use us to point them to Christ. You and I may be the "bridge" that He would use to bring them to Himself. Be alert for opportunities to share the Good News of Christ's love with others. (Billy Graham)

Be very careful to... serve Him with all your heart and all your soul.  (Joshua 22:5)



Mold us, use us, be with us today, Jesus.

You have parted seas, walked on water, delivered your children from the fire, lions, and death.

Use us to help deliver souls from eternal death.

Jesus, be our hope, our love, and our joy today.

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