Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Are We Grateful for What We Have?

O. T. #1824 "Are We Grateful for What We Have?"

Nov. 18 & 19, 2020

Jeremiah 49-Part 3


Is there any encouragement to be found in this chapter? We can find it in verse 25, I think: How is the city of praise not left, the city of my joy!  

I can think of several cities in our nation that could be described as such. People go there for entertainment and a fun night on the town. However, now with this deadly virus spreading, I think few have a desire to visit them for their pleasure. Since I live in a rural area, I feel safer if I don't go to those cities, especially now when schools and restaurants are being closed down. If you live in a large city, I pray for your safety.

Damascus, a heathen city, is a city of praise and joy of God? No, I think I had the wrong idea, folks.

 MacArthur translates Damascus as "the city of renown," famous because it is located in an oasis and for its trade.

Matthew Henry's Commentary described Damascus as a city of praise, not to God, but to herself, a city much commended and admired by all strangers that visited it. A city of joy, with affluence of all delights of enjoyment of them. It was a city of the Prophet Jeremiah, who had sometimes visited with pleasure. Or it could be the speech of the king lamenting the ruin of the city of his joy. But now it is all overwhelmed with fear and grief. Those deceive themselves that place their happiness in carnal joys; for God in His providence can soon cast a damp upon them and put an end to them. He can soon make a city of praise to be a reproach and a city of joy to be a terror to itself.

Today we will continue the prophesies of Jeremiah as the Lord God gave them for they city of Damascus and the kingdoms of Arabia (Kedar and Hazor) and their doom ahead.


First some background on the cities of Damascus and others in Syrian area:

  • Damascus was a chief city and capital of Syria, Aram.
  • It was located at the intersection of 3 major caravan trade routes and north of Israel. (Ezekiel 27:18)
  • It was the city of joy of the people. (verse 25)
  • In 732 BC, Damascus was subdued by Egypt, then Babylon.
  • Its city of Hamath was on the northern limit of Solomon's rule and some 110 miles north of Damascus in southern Syria. 
  •  Aleppo  in northern Syria was 105 miles from Damascus.
  • They devised cruel evils against Israel in the palaces of Ben-Hadad, thus the reason for their destruction. God sent Babylon's army to overthrow them.

What was the destiny for these cities? There would be no trade, no wealth, and no treasures there. If we have our necessities provided, then we are rich and blessed when we have what we need, friend. Are we thankful for the food on our table and clothes on our back? Are we grateful for all our God has given to our family?


Open our eyes, Jesus, to see how much You have blessed us.

Gove us a grateful heart today.

Use us to share with others in need.

*Just a note as to why I didn't finish this post earlier. I had to prepare for my colonoscopy and the camera in my esophagus, drinking my party mix after a day of only liquids. My test was Tuesday, so I am still a bit weak from it. However, it had been 5 years since my previous one, so that was a blessing, since I have crohns disease. A good sized polyp was removed and a metal clip placed there to stop the bleeding. God is so good, for He saw me through all of this week, in my weaknesses. I give Him thanks and praise for sustain my breath and heart beating through it all. (My last test put me in the hospital for being dehydrated and depleted potassium and magnesium.) Although I have had some rather sleepless nights since then due to the pain, I am still here. Great are You my Jesus, Lord and Savior!   

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