Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Never Enough Time

599.  "Never Enough Time"                  September 4, 2012
2 Peter 3-Part 2
But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.  2 Peter 3:8  KJV


There never seems to be enough time to get everything done. I used to think that when I was teaching school. Preparation for the new year was very demanding. I was so exhausted that first week of school because I had worked hard the week before getting the room and lesson plans ready, and attending meetings. Hurry, hurry! I could not be tardy nor off schedule. All things had to be in place for the open house, including me.
Peter mentions time. what do we know about God and time?

Warren Wiersbe, in his book Be Alert, says this concerning God and time:

  • God is eternal; He has neither beginning nor ending. Man is immortal; he has a beginning but not an ending. Eternity is not just extended time; it is existence above and apart from time. Psalm 90:4 states For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night.
  • God is never in a hurry, but He is never late. He isn't late, since the universe is only a few days old. He isn't limited by time the way we are, nor does He measure it according to man's standards.
  • God can accomplish in one day what it would take others a millennium to accomplish. He waits to work, but once He begins to work, He gets things done.
  • He has never been tardy or off schedule. The delay of Jesus' return is not that He is unable to act or unwilling. It's because He is patient.and gives lost sinners the opportunity  to be saved. Verse 15 says And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation.
  • He has a plan for this world and He is working His plan. Although He wants all to be saved, He knows they will not be. God shows mercy to all (Rom. 11:32).
Am I sharing the good news and seeking to win others to Christ?


According to verse 10, the Day of the Lord will come:
  • as a thief in the night, unexpectantly and suddenly;
  • as the heavens(Physical universe) pass away with a great noise, meansing sizzle;
  • and the elements will melt with fervent heat; discintegration of the atoms like in an atomic explosion;
  • the earth and everything (works) will be burned up; the whole physical and natural earth in its form;
Man's great works will also be burned up! all the thinlgs that man boasts about-his great cities, his great buildings, his invenyions, his achievement-will be destroyed in a moment of time. 

The bulldozer of God's wrath will level the site in preparation for the new city. (MacArthur)

In what am I placing my faith, my time, my energy, my money? If it is in things on this earth, they will burn up and pass away. If it is in Jesus, it will be eternal and last forever. How about you, friend?


Turn over everything I have to the ownership of Jesus.

Use my money, time, and energy to serve, honor, and worship Jesus.

Warn my family, neighbors, and friends of the final outcome.

Keep my hope in Jesus and look for HIs return.

Be ready for that time.

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