N.T. #418 "How is Your Giving?"
Nov. 6, 2024
Mark 12-Part 8
For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living. (verse 44)
In the last month, our church has been giving to the max. We gave to a local church who is till feeding people after the tornadoes. We gave to our youth program so kids could go to camp next summer, we gave items to the flood victims in another state, in addition to giving appreciation gifts to our pastors. Needless to say, we have a very giving church. They are so loving, too.
Shall we take a seat with Jesus over by the treasury? What is He is disciples observing? This was an area where 13 receptacles were placed to receive offerings and taxes for the Temple. Jesus had just commented on how the scribes took advantage of and plundered poor widows. (verse 40)
What did Jesus observe?
- The rich gave large sums of money. (verse 41)
- A poor widow, probably unnoticed by anyone else, dropped in two tiny coins worth very little. (verse 42)
- Jesus couldn't let the teachable moment escape, so He called the disciples over for it. (verse 43)
- Although the widow had contributed next to nothing, she had given more than all the others. (verse 43)
- The rich had given out of their surplus, leftovers. After they paid all of their expenses, they gave an offering, still had money was left. The widow gave out of her poverty. (verse 44)
How are we doing in the giving department? Do we give what is left over after bills or do we give God first place, giving to Him?
We know this situation as" the widow's mite." A mite is just a tiny portion of our penny. But that is not the focus of the teaching. It is her heart in giving her all to God. Do we give our all to our God or just a portion, a tiny portion? Or are we loving Him with all our heart, soul, mind, strength? And our everything.
Stewardship is a matter of the heart. The way we relate to money is an indicator of our heart's state. The widow gave sacrificially from what little she had, because she loved God. When God considers our Christian stewardship, He looks not merely at the amount of our gifts but at our motives. (Tony Evans)
The widow gave all she had to live on because she loved her God. Are we showing we love God by giving our tithes, offerings, time, sharing our home?
Thank You Jesus for giving Your all for us sinners!
May we give all back to You as we give to others.