Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Having Struggles

N.T.#287 "Having Struggles"

April 17, 2024 

Matthew 26-Part 10


I tend to think God prepares us for trials and troubles ahead. It is when we fall to our knees begging for help through it that He comes through. Jesus knew what was ahead for Him to face. Yet, the Savior had struggles with it, like we do. Comforting, huh?

So we have viewed the plot to kill King Jesus, Mary's anointing, Judas' betrayal plot, the Passover with he disciples, prophecy of Peter's denial, Jesus' agony in the Garden. Coming up in this chapter is Jesus' arrest, His trial before the Sanhedrin, and Peter's denial, Judas' suicide. Thank you for staying with us as we study the events in the last days of Jesus' life on earth and ministry.

Previously, we read about the agony of Jesus at the Mt. of Olives in Gethsemane (which means oil press). This place contained a grove and cluster of olive trees. There may have been a press, a dwelling-house, or at least the usual garden-tower at the foot of the Mount of Olives. It would not have been a well-known place, so the disciples and their Teach Master could have private time from the authorities. If guards were there to protect the property from intruders, Jesus and His disciples would have been welcomed at the gate. Here was where heaven and earth, deity and humanity, locked horns, and the very human will of the God-man submitted unconditionally to the divine will. 

After separating Peter, James, and John from the rest of the disciples, Jesus took them to a corner of the olive grove to pray. This was no quiet prayer meeting with close friends. 

How does Matthew describe the anguish of Jesus?

  • grieved and distressed, (verse 37)
  • burdened to the point of death, (verse 38)
  • fell on His face, pleading with His Father, (verse 39)
  • wrestling, struggling, coming to terms with the torturous suffering in mind, emotion, body, and soul that was about to occur the following day. 
  • Jesus sweat fell to the ground like drops of blood. (Luke 22:44)
  • Three times the Savior cast Himself upon the mercy of God. (verses 39, 42, 44) (Swindoll)
What a struggle! Don't we tend to focus on the pain of the cross instead of the struggle Jesus had beforehand? Jesus was willing to face the agony on the cross as He surrendered unconditionally to the good and perfect plan of God the Father. 

Not as I will, but as You will...Your will be done. (verses 39, 42)


As if that wasn't enough to bear, Jesus' three friends fell asleep while Jesus was praying. They were told to be on watch and pray, but didn't last one hour at the task. Three times Jesus found the guys asleep. He reprimanded them for it, then finally the Savior tld them to take rest. 

Behold, the hour is at hand, and the Son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners. (verse 45)

The interruption of the soldiers caused Jesus, in verse 46, to say, Rise, let us be going: behold, he is at hand that doth betray Me. 

What keeps staying in the back of my mind is Jesus knew what was planned, what was going to take place, and He was willing to go through it. Such love!

Through the struggles, Jesus still remained faithful to God and His plan-sinless. So Jesus can help us through our struggles.


Your will, 

Your way, today, 

I pray. 

Use us for Your glory, Your servants, Jesus.

What a wonderful Savior is Jesus, my Jesus!

What a wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord!

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Thy Will be Done

N.T.#285 "Thy Will be Done"

April 16, 2024 

Matthew 26-Part 10


We left Jesus' disciples at the Mt. of Olives, an olive grove east of Jerusalem. They walked up a steep hill to get there, but they were there, having Jesus' back. Then Jesus told Peter, James, and John, His inner circle and buddies, that He was deeply grieved. Jesus zeroed in on Peter's upcoming denial of knowing Him. Of course, Peter never dreamed that would happen, but it did. 

Since Jesus was exceeding sorrowful and very heavy, even unto death, He told the 3 to stay there and watch for Him. Jesus knew the enemy was coming to kill Him. The Savior was in anguish as He considered the wrath of God that would be poured out on Him as He bore the sins of the world on the cross.

All the three guys had to do was watch, to keep awake in order to be prepared for whatever might come. (Falwell) Yet, they failed to do it.

Can we feel the heavy air pressing in on our Beloved Jesus? Have we ever been to that point? Has there been a time we could not pray or breath, carrying such a heavy burden to God that we couldn't say the words. That is when the Holy Spirit intervenes for us at that point.


And He went a little farther, and fell on His face, and prayed, saying, O My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from Me: nevertheless not as I will, but as Thou wilt. (verse 39)

Three times Jesus prayed this prayer. (verses 39, 42, 44) What a heavy burden for One to carry.

What do we learn from Jesus' prayer in verse 39?

  • Jesus went a little farther (to go onward) from the three to pray in private to the Father, His Father.
  • Jesus fell on His face in humility.
  • Jesus prayed, asking His Father If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from Me. (NLT) In His humanity, Jesus preferred that the cup of suffering might pass by Him. If there was possibly another way let it be done. (Don't you think God and Jesus planned His death on the cross before man was created?)
  • Nevertheless (yet; rather; albeit), not as I will (choose or prefer; to determine; rather).
  • But as Thou wilt (fall in with). Jesus' desire was for God's will be done, not His own will be done. 
  • They will be done. (verse 42) Will means purpose; decree; a determination; choice in this verse. Ultimately, Jesus wanted to do His Father's will, not His will.
His total submission to the will of the Father caused Jesus to be obedient, even unto a substitutionary death. The Innocent and Righteous One dies for the guilty.  Herein is His ultimate exaltation as Lord. (Phil. 2) (Falwell)

Jesus chose to accomplish His Father's purpose, decree and not His own. Should we be willing to do God's will, also? When we pray, should we include "not my will but Your will be done," right? Friend, If you are carrying a heavy burden, give it to Jesus and let Him carry it. Pray for His will be done.


Father, Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Please protect Your Beloved Israel from the wickedness and destruction.

Monday, April 15, 2024

A Suffering Savior

N.T.#285 "A Suffering Savior"

April 15, 2024 

Matthew 26-Part 9


Think of the most painful thing you have felt. It doesn't compare one smidgen to what pain Jesus felt as He prayed in the Garden at the Mt. of Olives. When we stood outside the fence looking inside at the huge olive trees, I fell on my knees and prayed right there in front of my peers, asking Jesus to forgive my sins that hung Him on the cross. Jesus is a Forgiving Savior.

Jesus told His disciples that they would all desert Him that night. Peter replied that even if everyone else deserted Jesus, he will never desert Jesus. The bad news was given to Peter-this very night, before the rooster crows, you will deny 3 times that you even knew Jesus. And it was so. (verse 33-4)

No! Even if I have to die with you, I will never deny You. And all the other disciples vowed the same. (verse 35) Peter said this in New Living Translation.

Peter promised to be more faithful than the others, so later Jesus asked Peter, Lovest thou Me more than these? (John 21:15) Jesus was referring to the other disciples.

Do we love Jesus more than family and friends? Is He number one in our life. 


Then Jesus had His disciples came to Gethsemane. He told them to sit there while He went and prayed yonder. It was a grove of olive trees, a garden up the hill east of Jerusalem. He took His inner circle of men (Peter, James, John), closest to Him a little further with Jesus. His instructions for the 3 was to tarry and watch with Jesus. At this point, Jesus was sorrowful and very heavy. 

Jesus admitted His soul was exceeding (grieved all around; intensely sad) sorrowful, even to the point of death.

Why? Billy Graham explains in his Wisdom For Each Day devotional: 

  • Sin must be punished. If God were simply to forgive our sins without judging them, then there would be no justice, no accountability for wrongdoing. God would not be truly holy and just.
  • But if God were simply to judge us for our sins as we deserve, there would be no hope of salvation for any of us. His love would have failed to provide what we need. 
  • The cross was the only way to resolve the problem of sin. At the cross God's love and justice came together. Jesus took the punishment we deserved, and now we are clothed in His perfect righteousness. 
The weight of the world's sins became heavy to bear. It was a battle between the flesh and spirit in Jesus, I think. He knew what was ahead as Jesus was God in the flesh. No one likes to suffer pain. He had no sins of His own, just grief for our sins. Can we even understand one smidgen of the anguish Jesus went through before the beatings, ridicules, and pain of the nails? 

Such a Gracious God, such a Loving, such a Forgiving God!
Jesus, You blood has washed away my sin, Jesus thank You.
The Father's wrath completely satisfied, Jesus thank You.
Once Your enemy, now seated at Your table, Jesus thank You.

Friday, April 12, 2024

Who Will Remain Faithful?

N.T.#284 "Who will Remain Faithful?"

April 12, 2024 

Matthew 26-Part 8


Not only would one of them betray Jesus, but all of them would fall away just as Scripture foretold. He knew beforehand that His disciples would scatter when Jesus was arrested. The Roman "sword" was the military power that put Christ to death. 

 Zechariah 13:27 says, Sword, awake against My shepherd, against the man who is My associate-this is the declaration of the LORD of Hosts. Strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered; I will also turn My hand against the little ones.

Just before Jesus' arrest, He quoted from that verse, referring to Himself and His disciples in verses 31-32. And that happened, we know. 

The word offended is used 3 times in this segment of Scriptures-verses 31, 33, 33. Jesus told His disciples that all of them would be offended because of Him that very night. (verse 31. 

Offended is the Greek word skandalizo, from which we get our word scandlize. It means entrap; trip up (stumble); or entice to sin. 

The religious leaders planned to entrap or trip up Jesus, after all, He claimed to be God. We know that is true, but they would not believe it and claim Jesus was blaspheming against God. Yet, Jesus never committed sin.

We know this continues today. False witnesses testify against a believer, actually lying, so one is convicted. What judgment awaits them!

Question: Do we always tell the truth or do we smidge a little towards our favor?  Tax time is upon us. Do we give correct figures on our return? When we do, Christ is honored.


Not only did Jesus tell His disciples that a scandal was coming for Him, but also, they would all scatter because of Him. (verse 31) The guys would be scared for their life and run for their life. After all, if they killed Jesus, they could be killed for associating with Him.

What reassurance did Jesus give His followers? But after I am risen again, I will go before you into Galilee. (verse 32)

The disciples were to go to Galilee to find Jesus, but He appeared to them at Jerusalem and lead them to Galilee. Jesus appeared to many people after He arose from the dead. After all, He is God's Son, Sno of the Almighty God.

Watch out Peter, control your words. Keep your mouth shut for one, but he didn't. Peter says, Though all men shall be offended because of Thee, yet will I never be offended. (verse 33)

Not me Lord, I will never be enticed to deny You. His famous words, huh? Peter promised to be more faithful than the others, thus later provoking Jesus' question, Lovest thou Me more than these? (John 21:15)

We vow to stick with Jesus until the end, like Peter. We desire to remain faithful to Jesus, yet all we like sheep have gone astray at one time or another. Good News is we have a loving and forgiving Savior. He wilcomes us back with open arms. Then He sets our feet on The Solid Rock.


How gracious and loving and forgiving You are, Sweet Jesus!

I love You Lord Jesus, for Your mercies never fail me, though I fail You.

What a Wonderful Savior is Jesus, My Jesus!

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Giving All

N.T.#283 "Giving All"

April 11, 2024 

Matthew 26-Part 7


We are still in the Upper Room with Jesus and His disciples. "It is not I, is it?" the disciples asked Jesus. He gave the hint who it was-the one dipping bread in the relish dish with Him. It was better for Judas if he had never been born. Then, when Judas asked if it was him, Jesus replied, You have said it." (verse 25, NLT)

I wonder if reality hit the disciples when Jesus brake the bread and gave them to Take, eat; this is My body. (verse 26) 

The bread of affliction which our fathers ate in the land of Egypt. Jesus knew about the real suffering they went through. Jesus gave His body on the cross as a sacrifice so we can have forgiveness for our sins. He willingly gave it. Such love!

Then, Drink from it, all of you; for this is My blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many remission of sins. (verse 27-28) 

In the Greek language, remission is the word aphesis (of'-es-is) which means freedom, deliverance; pardon; forgiveness; liberty.

the death of Jesus was necessary to enable God to forgive sins. Do you need to be set free from the burden of sin, my friend. Come to Jesus and ask Him to forgive you. He is waiting. What a cost for our redemption! It is a demonstration of grace and mercy for our salvation was not free to Jesus but cost Him everything. 


What a Redeemer! 

We give thanks to Jesus for shedding His blood and body for us so we don't have to pay for our sins. We remember what Jesus did for us as we participate in the Lord's Supper at church. Dear one, have you Jesus as your Savior and Redeemer? What about other family members?

Jesus vowed that He would not drink with His disciples again until His earthly millennial kingdom. (verse 29) (Tony Evans)

And when they had sung an hymn, they went out into the Mount of Olives. (verse 30)

Whatever song they sang, the disciples' supper had concluded, and they began the short trip through the city, across the Kidron Valley, to the Mount of Olives. As they did, they stepped into the same dark night that Judas had slithered into earlier. And while they ascended the hill to continue fellowshipping with the King, Israel's long-awaited Messiah, Judas descended into the depths of treachery, seeking to betray the King for a paltry reward. (Swindoll)

Do you have a relationship with Jesus by grace through faith?


Help us let go of sins in our life so we can be a holy living sacrifice given to You.

We owe You our everything, King Jesus.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

The Betrayal Revealed

 N.T.#282 "The Betrayal Revealed"

April 10, 2924 

Matthew 26-Part 6


Have you ever been betrayed by a friend? It hurts, really bad it hurts, like a heart cut out pain. Today we will read of Jesus' betraying friend. You probably know who it was.

Matthew wrote about the celebration of the Feast of the Passover which Jesus had with His disciples in the borrowed Upper Room. It would be their last together. Jesus had a lot to say to His men before the capture and trial began. John tells us details in chapter 13-17. It came after their supper together, His washing the disciples' feet, and the betrayer left the group. It was like a private time with the 11 men who would carry on the work of Christ. Jesus spoke of the Comforter coming, He would be the Intercessor, and loving God and others. That gives us something to look forward to, the study of the book of John.

We can't skip over verse 19, And the disciples did as Jesus had appointed them; and they made ready the Passover. 

Peter and John went out into the city to find the man carrying water, the one who owned the Upper Room. (verse 18) 

Do we have a problem with obeying the Master Jesus?  Are we willing to do what it takes to accomplish His will in our life?


While the 13 men ate, Jesus enlightened them what was about to take place:

  • Jesus informed the group that one of you shall betray Me. (verse 21) I figure they had no idea that Judas made a deal to tell the religious leaders where Jesus was for 30 pieces of silver.
  • How did the disciples react? They were exceeding sorrowful. (verse 22a)
  • Then everyone of them asked if it was them. (verse 22b)
  • Jesus revealed who the betrayer was-He that dippeth his hand with Me in the dish, the same shall betray Me. 
  • Jesus went on to say, woe unto the man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It had been good for that men if he had not been born. (verse 24)
  • When Judas asked if it was him, Jesus said, Thou hast said. (verse 25)
Don't you know it was an intense moment for the disciples to hear one of them would betray their Master? And for Jesus to know it was so, how must He have felt? One of His own men who saw Jesus perform miracles, listened to His teachings, walked with Him would turn Him over to beatings and death on the cross. Yet, it was Jesus' destiny. He had come for this.

Did you catch the phrase that the disciples were exceeding sorrowful? 
Exceeding means whelmingly; in a high degree; greatly.

It is a different Greek word which John used to describe Jesus' soul being exceeding sorrowful when going to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane. 
Exceeding means grieved all around; intensely sad.

Jesus was referring to the dipping of the bread into the relish bowl , that Judas and He did at the same time as a sign of who was the betrayer. How difficult it would have been for Jesus to sit at the table with Judas! 
Psalm 41:9 refers to this, Even my friend in whom I trusted, one who ate My bread, has raised his heel against Me. 

It especially hurts when a friend or spouse betrays you. Maybe they showed themself unfaithful in sharing a secret. Maybe it was an unfaithful spouse. Do we forgive them? 
How many times have we betrayed Jesus and turned to the world?


Please for us Lord when we fail you.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

An Amazing Plan by an Amazing God

 N.T.#281 "An Amazing Plan by an Amazing God"

April 9, 2024 

Matthew 26-Part 5


We left Judas making the betraial deal with the religious leaders for 30 pieces of silver. Jesus sent Peter and John to get the upper room and preparations for their Passover meal. Jesus told the two guys who would help them with the task-the man with a pitcher of water on the streets of Jerusalem. They were to ask the man where his guestchamber was so they could prepare to eat the Passover there. Tell him the Master wanted the room so He could eat the Passover with His disciples. (Luke 22:1-13)

The Jewish Passover meal consisted of a cup of wine, unleavened bread, roasted lamb, butter leafy herbs, and sweet relish for each person. Jesus would have reviewed the incidence of the Hebrews being freed from the slavery in Egypt . They did not have this meal in Bethany, for it wasn't time for the betrayal. (Judas would not have known where the upper room was so he could tell the religious ones Jesus location.) There were things for Jesus to accomplish before that happened.

Did you notice Jesus had those last events of His life on earth planned out? He has ours, too.

I have seen pictures of the eclipse yesterday. We were at church and in our area, it was not seen as a total one. We didn't have glasses to protect our eyes. My conclusion is God shows off His creation and control. If He can align the sun, moon, and earth together for a few moments, can't He align our life with His will? We just need to surrender and trust Him to lead us daily. (A family member lives in Indiana where they saw it total.) I wonder how many people acknowledged God as having done it.


These events are recorded in Luke 22:

  • Jesus told the disciples that He would not eat and drink wine until the fulfilling of the kingdom of God happens.(verses 16, 18)
  • Jesus gave thanks and brake the bread, saying this is my body which is given for you; this do in remembrance of Me. (verse 19)
  • The broken bread represented Christ's broken body given for us at Calvary.
  • Likewise He gook the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in My blood, which is shed for you. (verse 20)
  • The cup of wine represented the blood which Jesus would shed for us on the cross. 

Jeremiah31:31-34 NLT says, The day is coming when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and Judah. I will put My instructions deep within them, and I will write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be My people. For everyone, from the least to the greatest, will know Me already. I will for give their wickedness, and I will never again remember their sins. 

What a promise of the Messiah who came to fulfill the Old Testament. Back then, Jesus promised to restore Israel to their land, forgive their sin, and rule over them. Believers in Jesus receive salvation through the broken body and shed blood which He did for us sinners. Dear one, have you asked Jesus to forgive your sins and be your Savior?


We give thanks for Your sacrifice of Your life for us-the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.

Such an amazing plan carried out by an amazing God.


May we lay down our life for You to use as a living sacrifice for Your glory.