Thursday, October 17, 2024


N.T.#410 "Authority"

Oct. 17, 2024 

Mark 11-Part 8


Confrontation. Jesus didn't mind answering the questions, which were asked to trap Him by the scribes,  priests. and elders of the Temple. This time they questioned by what authority Jesus did things and who gave Him that authority. Jesus knew they did not accept Him as the Messiah, the Son of God. the religious leaders wanted to trap Jesus with a question that would show Him to be either a blasphemer or a weird fanatic. 

So Jesus said He would answer their questions after they answered His question first: The baptism of John, was it from heaven, or of men? (verse 30)

The religious leaders reasoned among themselves. (verse 31) It waws a catch 22. If they acknowledged John's ministry as genuinely God-ordained, they would have to explain why they opposed him, and why they assented to his execution by Herod Antipas. Also, they would have to agree with John the Baptist that Jesus is the Messiah, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. (John 1:29)(Swindoll)

those guys di not stand up for John the Baptist or tried to get him released. John had irritated them just as Jesus was doing. They were not looking for the truth. Thes religious leaders were only concerned about position and reputation. They were in darkness, as John said in John 3:19.

On the other hand, if they denounced John's baptism as human origin, they would stand in opposition to popular opinion, which affirmed John as a genuine prophet. So their answer was that they cannot tell. What a copout! Startling the fence. They were in a no-win scenario.

So many people who are Christians will not take a stand against abortion and homosexuality because it might make enemies mad. They don't say anything about those opposing the biblical truths and they are sinful actions.

Where do you stand?


And Jesus answering saith unto them, Neither do I tell you by l by what authority I do these things. (verse 33)

Those priests and scribes refused to admit that Jesus is God and would not honor Him, nor admit Jesus has authority to clean up the Temple, His Temple from the sinful practices.

Who do you believe Jesus is? Is He your Savior, King, Lamb of God, Son of God?

One day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. (Phil.2:10-11)

Jesus is the way, the truty, and the life. No one comes to the Father except by Him. (John 14:6)


Help us stand for Your Word and Truth, Jesus. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Forgive First, Then Believe and Receive

N.T.#409 "Forgive First, Then Believe and Receive"

Oct. 16, 2024 

Mark 11-Part 7


Peter called Jesus' attention to the withered fig tree which He had cursed earlier. What did the Savior say in response? 

Have fiath in God. For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. (verses 22-23)

Since Peter thought the withered fig tree was impressive, this concept must've really blown his mind! Faith's authority allows the believer to speak directly to the obstacles of life (mountains) and get them to move. When you have true, vibrant faith in the God of the Bible, you have spiritual authority to access divine power. (Tony Evans)

I think the stipulation is "if it is according to God's will." It is a faith principle for us. Believe and receive. Throughout the 17 days our grandson was in the hospital with double pneumonia, I prayed for his healing all day and night. I know God wants to use him for kingdom work, so He heard my prayers and healed him. He saved the boy's life for a purpose. Now I pray he will come to know it and will surrender to do it.

Exercising your spiritual authority comes by taking responsibility to do what God has told you to do. (Evans)

Has your faith moved mountains lately? Will you share it with us?


What are some requirements on our moving mountains? Verse 25 says for us to forgive those which we have anything against, so our Faither in heaven will forgive our sins, too.

Trespasses means error; fault; sin; offense; fall.

What does "anything" include? 

  • If one as told something about you that is in error and did not happen.
  • If someone was at fault doing something hurtful toward you.
  • If a person sinned against you.
  • If they offended you in some way.
  • If they quit being your friend and turned to sin, falling short of your expectations.  

Couldn't the list go on and on?

What are we as a Christian responsible for in the relationship? Forgiving them. Then God will forgive us.

If we don't forgive them, then our Father in heaven will not forgive us. (verse 26) That is plain. but it may not be simple to do. 


Help us forgive others. It is hard.

Grow our faith and obedience for Your glory.

Hide us behind the cross today. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

How is Your Prayer Life?

N.T.#408 "How is Your Prayer Life?"

Oct. 15, 2024 

Mark 11-Part 6


Moved any mountains lately? How is your prayer life? 

What did Jesus say His house was to be called? A house of prayer, but the religious leaders had made it a den of thieves. Jeus had overturned the tables of the moneychangers and those who sold animals for sacrifices. 

What was the reaction of the scribes and corrupt chief priests when they heard about it? Jealousy overcame them because Jesus was a popular teacher. Therefore, they sought how to destroy Jesus. They feared Him because all the people were astonished at His doctrine. (verse 18)

Destroy means to destroy fully (to perish or lose); die.

Those priests understood who Jesus claimed to be-Messiah. They recognized His message from the Old Testament Scripture. (Isaiah 56:7) 

What did those religious leaders fear?

  • They feared His influence because of the adoring multitudes.
  • They feared the penetrating truth of His message. 
  • They feared His ability to expose their sins. (Swindoll)
What a week it was! Matthew 21 tells us Jesus healed and taught the people throughout the day. When evening came He and and the apostles left the Temple and went to Bethany. (verse 19)

Do we fear the message of the preachers of truth? Are we fearful of the future?


On Tuesday morning, the guys passed by the withered fig tree which Jesus had cursed. It wasn't just the leaves wilted, but the tree died to the roots. It was only good for firewood. Peter was stunned that it happened so quickly. (verse 21) He called Jesus' attention to that dead tree. 

According to Jesus, the answer boiled down to faith in God. (verse 22) 

For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea: and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. (verse 23)

Are we praying without doubting? Pray with acceptance that God's power and goodness has accomplished what you ask. Pray for grudges against others is removed through forgiveness.

 Does our prayer life move mountains? 


Monday, October 14, 2024

A House of Prayer

N.T.#407 "A House of Prayer"

Oct. 14, 2024 

Mark 11-Part 5


I know that I made some folks upset whenever I had some rapping music stop and children were on the stage dancing and caring on. Not on my watch. This happened during Vacation Bible School when I was director. I was responsible for what happened and I had to answer for it, so things were going to be done properly. You may call me old fashioned, which I am, but if a sanctuary is treated like a camp or bar dance, then God is not honored there and will not be present and bless our activities. 

When Jesus arrived in Jerusalem, immediately He went to the Temple. (verse 11) That was when He encountered a problem. Business activities were being conducted inside the Temple area. That hindered worship, which was the purpose o fthe Jewish pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Although the need for animal sacrifices was being met, they should not have done it in the outer court. Besides, the sellers were cheating their customers, taking advantage of needs.

So how did Jesus react? He couldn't let a materialistic use of God's house go unaddressed. Jesus threw out those buying and selling, turned over the money-changer tables, and forbade the people from carrying goods through the Temple. )verses 15-16) Commerce was not going to prevail in a sacred place. Not if the son of God had anything to do with it.

Do we guard our house of worship? Are we teaching children that it is a set aside place where we come to worship God as a church body?


We are to strive to please our heavenly Father in all we do. The buyers and sellers were not doing so in the Temple. Jesus was in His own house and had authority over it. 

And He taught, saying unto them, is it not written, My house shall be called of all nations the house of prayer? But ye have made it a den of thieves. (verse 17) Isaiah 56:7)

What can we learn from this?

  • The traders took advantage of the country people going a long journey to worship at the Temple, making it a house of merchandise and cheating and thievery. It was a matter of convenience for the worshipers to buy their animals there instead of bringing thme a distance and risking it not passing the inspection of the high priest, of which the sellers took advantage with high prices.
  • The sellers either belonged to the high priestly hierarchy or paid a large fee to temple authorities for the privilege of selling there. Either way, the high priest's family benefited.
  • The Greek and Roman coins were exchanged for Jewish or Tyrian coins, which pilgrims had to use for annual payment for temple religious services. (MacArthur) 
  • The chief priests already hated Jesus, but they also feared Him, lest He overthrow their seats and expel them. Instead of agreeing with Jesus and making peace with the Messiah, they wanted to destroy Him. Thuse the religious leaders were fighting against God.
  • The Temple was a place set aside for prayer and worship of Almighty God. We pray through Jesus, our Savior, as He will intercede for us to the Father. We don't need a high priest now ans the Jews did back then.
  • Jesus was on a divine mission as the Son of God. 
  • All the people were astonished at Jesus' doctrine. Actually, Jesus and the Father had established the sacrificial system and the Temple layout with purpose for each item and section.

 When evening came, Jesus exited the city. (verse 19) So far, we have studied Jesus' authority, compassion through healings, meekness as Mary anointed His head, a gentle spirit with children, love for Jerusalem, giving of His time and energy to teach, forgiving sinners, etc.

How would folks describe us? Are we compassionate, loving, giving, yet standing for God's Word and not compromising?


How can I keep from shouting Your praise?

I am loved by the King, and it makes my heart want to sing.

Oh, what a Savior! Isn't He wonderful! Sing Hallelujah! Christ is risen! 

Friday, October 11, 2024

Peaches and Figs

 N.T.#406 "Peaches and Figs"

Oct. 11. 2024 

Mark 11-Part 4


There is nothing like a juicy peach to eat, the juice running down the elbow. My cousin used to have a peach orchard not far from us when I was growing up. Mom would take me to get a bushel. I always got to eat one in the field. Mmm good! Then we would take them home and she would use a peach peeler to get the skin off the peaches. We would get the seed out of the middle and prepare the peaches to be canned. (Not sure why she didn't make fried pies out of the skins, but she didn't.) Today, Jesus was looking for figs to eat, native to Israel. What happened when He did not get any? Read on to find out.

Mark tells us that when Jesus left Bethany and His friends, probably on our Monday, the day after Palm Sunday. Being hungry on His way, Jesus stopped at a fig tree for a bite to eat. However, it was too early for figs, only leaves were present. (Fig trees produce small, edible buds, which eventually fall off and figs grow in their place. It takes 3 years before a tree bears fruit. A fig tree is usually harvested twice a year.)

Probably, Jesus had eaten breakfast with Mary and Martha about 45 minutes earlier. Maybe His hunger was for a snack. Jesus wasn't angry whenever He cursed the fig tree. It was for a visual aid as a lesson to teach the disciples.


What was the divine lessons of the fruitless fig tree?

Israel's spiritual hypocrisy and fruitlessness is seen in the barren tree by the road. Its appearance suggested great productivity without providing it, showing signs of life. The fig tree was frequently an Ot Testament type of the Jewish nation. (Hos.9:10; Nah. 3:12; Zech. 3:10) (MacArthur)

Israel looked righteous and godly on the outside, but on the inside they were corrupt. Their lack of faith meant that they were also barren-producing no fruit for God. Many people today are like that too. They attend church regularly, carry fancy Bibles, and shout "Amen!" But there's a lack of spiritual vitality inside them; thus, there's no kingdom fruit in their lives. (Tony Evans)

Jesus cursed that fig tree. No one would eat of its fruit forever. (verse 14)

Are we like a fruitful tree or a barren tree. Does our life show the fruit of the Spirit-love, joy, peace, patience, faith, goodness, forgiveness? Are we bring people to Jesus by sharing the gospel? What kind of picture does our life give? Does it look good and spiritual, but produces no spiritual fruit?


Jesus, use us to bear spiritual fruit in our life.

Help us share Your love and salvation.

Thursday, October 10, 2024


 N.T.#405 "Hosanna!"

Oct. 10, 2024 

Mark 11-Part 3


In the chronological Bible, Jesus visited His friends at Bathany before making His triumphal entry into Jerusalem. that makes sense, due to it being on His way. However, Mark reversed the events. So we will go with how it appears in Mark's writings. 

As Jesus entered into Jerusalem riding on a colt donkey, the people sang or shouted hosanna (Oh save!/grant salvation) along the way. They spread their garments and branches on the street before their King. don't you know that brought the priests and scribes out of the Temple to see what the commotion was about.

Matthew 21 gives us some details as to what happened in the Temple:

  • The city was moved and asked who Jesus was. Answers were Jesus the prophet of Nazareth of Galilee.(verse 10)
  • Jesus overturned the tables of the moneychangers and the seats of those who sold doves. (People mad a profit from selling defected offering animals.
  • Jesus proclaimed His house was to be a house of prayer, not a den of thieves. (verse 13)
  • Jesus healed the blind and lame there. (verse 14)
  •  He did wonderful things, which the chief priests and scribes saw. (verse 15)
  • The children were saying, Hosanna to the Son of David. 
  • Those priests and scribes were sore displeased. 
  • Jesus asked the religious leaders if they heard what was said. Yea, have ye never read, out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise? (Ps. 8:2)

Out of the mouths of babes. Haven't we heard that. Children say things they have heard others say. As parents, we were probably nervous when people asked our children questions.

Do we praise the Son of David, our Savior? We don't have to wait until Easter to do it.


Then Jesus and His 12 left and went to Bethany, the home of Lazarus and his sisters. In chapter 14, we read of Mary anointing Jesus' head with expensive perfume/ointment. It was to signify His death and burial. Keep in mind, this is Jesus' last week to live on earth as a man. Probably, He was there on Monday.

Are we sharing Jesus with our friends?


Help us to pray more.

May we make our church building a house of prayer.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Here He Comes!

N.T. #404 "Here He Comes!"

Oct. 9, 2024 

Mark 11-Part 2


Transportation is here. Are you ready to go? It was what we call Palm Sunday. Why did Jesus ride a colt donkey into Jerusalem that day? I think there are two reasons, First, the terrain is steep. We walked down the steep hill on pavement. I was sure glad that my feet had on good athletic shoes with gripping soles. Our tour bus parked at the top and later met us at the bottom of the hill, going down another route. So the little donkey could have better footing than a horse. Keep in mind, the little animal was wild and had never been ridden before. Yet, Jesus has a way with things. His touch and speech is soothing to the anxious.

What's a King doing on a donkey? Secondly, Jesus was not entering Jerusalem as a warrior on a white horse, nor dictator to rule his kingdom as one going to zap the Roman empire. He did the unpredictable, my Jesus. For the time being, Jesus wanted to rule in hearts.

However, one day Jesus will return to reign as King in Jerusalem and the world. He will change everything for a thousand years. Are you ready?


What a Triumphal Entry:

  • Jews were gathering for the week-long celebration of deliverance from Egyptian slavery (Passover).
  • Garments were put upon the colt's back for an easier ride for the Savior. Did you notice that Jesus didn't throw them off the donkey?
  • This gentle and peaceable Messiah sat upon the colt and rode down the steep hill, past the Mount of Olives, and across the Kidron Valley. 
  • His followers honored Jesus by throwing down their cloaks and spreading leafy branches along His path.(verse 8)
  • Their jubilant exclamation exalted Jesus as the One who comes, the coming One-Messiah.
  • Shouts of Hosanna; Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord: Blessed be the kingdom of our father David, that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest. (verses 9-10)
Hosanna means oh save!; an exclamation of adoration.

The Jews were expecting an earthly kingdom to be established, the kingdom of our faith David. this is taken from Psalm 118:25-26, which was chanted customarily athe Passover celebrations. (Falwell)

What a contrast with the shouts of "Crucify Him!" later in the week Jesus would hear.
Jesus came in peace, offering leaders a time to humble themselves, repent of their sins, receive grace, accept Him as the Messiah, embrace Him as their king, and experience genuine liberty. Their response to Jesus' arrival would determine their fates as individuals and decide the future of the nation for centuries to come. (Swindoll)

How are you responding to Jesus? Is He the King of your life? Or is He just a good teacher in a good?


We bow down and we worship You Lord Jesus. You are our Passover Lamb that takes away the sins of the world.

King of all kings You will be.

Be King of our hearts today.

Give us directions how we may serve You today.